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I woke up in a daze to the sound of my phone going off, and Haze barking at it.

I sighed picking uo the phone checking the ID to see it's Kiara.

"Oh my lord Kiki it's 3:27 in the morning why to you hate me!!!!" I yelled into the phone to here a small giggle.

"Guesss whos moving back into toooown!" I didn't sneer seeing at it was.morr of a comment than a question.

I breathed at laugh at her exided tone.


my heart skipped a beat.

Waylon was Kiaras older brother he was about 21 now and he hasn't been back here sence he was 15, there parents sent him to boarding/military school and after he got out he moved and didn't want anything to dow til the town or his parents.

He was part of are group growing up he always made sure no one gave us any shit and Karter worshiped him.

I love Waylon, I can't count how many times growing up he would stick up for me and from 7-15 he was theoughing punches at any guys that messed with me, it's was great.

We all missed him when we had to leave especially me.

"No way, really!!!" I screeched I to the phone making Haze jump up.


"But there's one thing..." She says and I can hear the hesitation in her voice.

"Well I told him he could stay with you? Is that okay? If not that okay I swear, irs just crowded at my grandma's house with me her the dogs the horses chickens and Damian mov8ng it and lord knows my parents won't let him stay there so I just thought if you anf said it was kkay." I immediately knew it was okay, I love Waylon he's amazing he's one of my b3st freind and I haven't seen hik in so long it be great to see him again.

"Of course!" I say exided at the thought.

"We should through a welcome party for him!" I say to Kiara.

"That's a great idea!!" She squeals.

We gi over more details and talk for a while longer. We diced to through him a party the day he gets here will surprise him with it.

It'll be here at the barn.

2 days later

I shuffle around in my hiding spot behind a red lawn chair, I've planned this whole night out.

Surprise Waylon with the party when be gets here, have a amazing time, go home watch a movie and catch up, then gi to sleep with my little angle Haze.

Pretty simple really.

I hear a car pull up in the drive way and someone open the door and step out, I wiggle in my spot and glance around for one last check.

We're at the back of the barn. There's a fire in the rock fire pit, string lights outlining the area, plenty of different color lawn chairs and fold out chairs, a fould out table with smacks and drinks, and everyone hiding behind a chair a tree or the table.

I let out a breath I'd didn't know I'd been holding as I see evrythijg in perfect place.

I'm snapped out of my gaze when I hear someone screaming and distant banging.

I jump up immediately adjusting my back mini dresss, and running to the front of the barn.

I see up the miniature hill to my house and see a truck with head lights illuminating my front door and someone standing in front of it banging in the door.

My eye brows knit together in confusion, as I walk to the door to see what's going on.

I get closer and closer till I'm at the front door to and see a familiar face.

He turns to face me and I'm stunned.

Military school did Waylon a lot of favors.

I blink me eyes to make sure im not imagination the tall-atleast 6.3-dirty blonde hazle eyed  man-not boy-infront of me.

From what I can see in the head light he's got on jeans and a black button down shirt, the sleeves are rolled up to mid forearms and the tightish shirt defines his muscular forearms and broad shoulder.

"Lila?" I here him dau and all doubt of this not being Waylon washes away, I wasn't sure at first I mean he's surely no 5.10 15 year old but I'd recognize thoughs eyes anywhere.

"WAYLON!" I screech as I jump up swinging my feet up and hugging him neck, his arms wrap around my waist a for a second I wish we could stay like that forever.

I ment into him as we hug pulling away after a decent amount of time hugging, I pull away and drop myself back to the ground.

"What the heck I can't believe it, I've missed you, we've all missed you! Everyone's waiting we have a party planned on the back c'mon." I say grabbing his hand and trying to pull hin to the party.

He resist and stays planted in the ground.

"Can we...just...I don't want to party now I've been driving all day can we do it some other time?" I see the sympathy in his eyes and I complied.

I managed to convince everyone that nothing was wrong that Waylon just was tired from his drive and didn't want to party, so eventually they left, and I was able to get back inside.

When I walked in there were two big suit cases a smaller one a hand back thing and a back pack, filled to the brim and set at the back of the couch right next to the front door.

I looked behind the back of the couch to see Waylon-changed from earlier already in black sweat pants and a green Yellow Stone National Park hoodie-sitting on the couch.

I smiled-knowing he wouldn't be able to see me-still wondering what was going on.

The Waylon the knew was a partier he was always out at someone's house or with a new girl-which gave me a twinge of jealousy seeing as I may or may not have had a small (big) crush on him back then....

Let's not talk about that.

I walked right into my room not bothering to say anything to him, but immediately slipping out of my dress and into P.J pants with tacos in them and a black tank top.

I open my door to call Haze in and leave Waylon, to settle, he seemed off when I saw him.


Okay soooo lemme explain and not just leave some of yall a little confused...

Yes one of the tags in the book is romance or whatever the hell it says, anyways, sooo if you didn't see that you can check and see it now.

I planned on bringing this into the story a while ago and it just never happened ik this is kinda very confusing and honestly I've wrote alot but never rlly ab romance and that crap I have read some but yea so anyways. I am much to embarrassed-bc lord knows this is gonna be a rough chapter-to go back and edit this one sooo anyway some day maybe I will but now now....

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