Words were shared

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"Remember Chloe, keep your heals down." I say to the girl in the ring.

One of my many cousins had a little girl at 15 now my cousins 22 runs a law firm and has a 8 year old little girl named Chloe.

I adore the girl and she loves me just as much.

Chloe always liked horses when she was little and her mom would visit I would always go for rides and put her either on the buddy saddle on the back of a horse or infront of me.

She's amazing and sence she could basically hold on to a horn she's been in by herself.

Her mom promised her if she could get good enough in riding and promised to take care of it she would buy her a pony.

They live an hour away so whenever we can she's been coming over here for lessons.

I have her on Paige right now.

Paige immediately gravitated towards Chloe she's so sweet and gentle with the little girl.

I mean I knew she liked me but not as much as that little girl she worships the ground she walks on, and I know Chloe would never dare hurt her so there perfect for eachother.

"Okay I think that's enough fir today your mom should be here soon to get you." I yell over to Chloe as she trots over to me bareback.

I smile at the little girl smd she gives me a toothy grin.

We get her off and Paige settled and put away.

Her mom gets here and we say our goodbyes.

I decide to go for a ride with Bullet.

His owner is coming tomorrow morning, and I'm not ready for the impact that will have coming with Korey-his owner.

Once she came I only had a week left with him.

I walk to his pen with just a halter in hand.

I get him out and brush him down and clean him hooves.

The sun is setting causing a stunning sunset.

I love the sunsets here.

I sigh and get him saddled.

I grip my reins and the horn and pull myself up in the saddle.

I relax once I'm in and go for a longer ride than planned when I grt back it's dark.

I get him undone and put away, I get inside and shower not saying a word to Waylon sence The Cutting, I feel the tension in the air.

I take a long shower and get in some shorts and a sports bra before climbing into be and grabbing the new book I got-Caraval.

Right as I'm about to put the book donw and go to sleep my door opens.

I turn my head and Waylons peaks out from behind the wood.

"Hey." He says in a almost shy tone.

"Hey". I answer back quietly setting my book face donw on my stomach.

"Are you okay."

Ha, are you okay? No I'm not fucking okay I feel like shit right now. I want to run away with a client horse that isn't even mine so I can love him forever, my grandpa died not that long ago, and I want to carve myself like a pumpkin but can't in fear of YOU finding out!!

I'm not ducking okay Waylon.

"Yea I'm good Way." I say to him and he gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Okay good night." He talks like he doesn't want to scare me.

I nod and he leaves shutting the door behind him.

God im a mess.

I woke uo periodically throughout the night feeling sick to my stomach.

I go out to the barn early after all the horses have been fed.

I do some regular cleaning and grab Bullets halter.

I go in and catch him and brush and tack him up.

I quickly spray, brush and braid his mane and tail, just in time as I try his tail Waylon walks out of the house and Korey pulls up the driveway.

I inhale a sharp breath and walk Bullet out to the arena were we planned to meet.

I get in the arena in time fornher to be there and I'm surprised to see Waylon join up to.

"So, how's he doing?" Korey asks in her pitchy voice.

"It's actually going great, you wouldn't believe the progress, he's a completely different horse." I say with confidence.

I'm proud of my work with all my client and personal horses, especially Bullet, and I make it known.

"Well how's the Barrel rac in g progress going?"

My breath gets caught in my throat at the question.

"Well he's been doing great walking the pattern and trotting it but we haven't done a full run, he's not ready."

She scoffs.

"What do yiu mean not ready, he should be ready when you want him to be, I'm paying you to make my horse run barrels you should be doing that." She says flatly with a disgusted look.

"Just let me see his gaits and then run him."

I nod unsure of how to answer.

We do out three simple gaits and figure eights.

I regroup with Korey and she's not satisfied.

She had a Horse that couldn't be looked at wrong without lashing out, now she has a well behaved gentle mannered, polite, and rideable horse. I don't understand why it's so hard for her to see his progress.

"Just show me something that proves he's better." Korey spits out like she's the offended one.

God I just can't get a break.

I take his spil reins and twist them once around thw horn so they'll stay, and I walk away. Him following me step by step like a puppy.

I finally stop 10 feet later, I turn to his and rub over his face "It's okay Bull" I wisper to him.

I pull myself up inot the saddle again, I gently tap his sides and he begins walking amd then trotting then cantering, I keep my hands out not dare touching my reins.

I finally verbally stop him in front of her and Waylon.

I get off of Bullet and undo his cinches and breast collar, I take the saddle off and then blanket.

I grip the rails and Koreys eyes widen, I slide onto his back gently making sure not to slam down.

We go over the gates again and we to figure eights ect.

"He's not a barrel horse." I hear Korey mumble as we get closer.

Waylons eyes widen a bit and he looks from her to me.

I stop right in frok of her "Fucking speak up if your gonna trash talk my work." I say firmly but not yelling.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me Korey, I worked the last how ever many weeks I've had this horse, almost everyday, I worked on him as well as myself okay, and still managed to run a ranch. I take pride in my work especially Bullet. He is a wonderful horse he is polite and calm and no longer nerotic, and you know what you don't deserve him! I have never gone my way about this with a client but I am NOW. I love Bullet okay. Either you suck up the fact that he will never be the peffect barrel horse, or you will ruin him!" I finally yell at her.

She looks at me and takes a step back baffled.

"Grt my fucking horse in the trailer now, I no longer want to take your services. The rest of the money is on your desk, you'll be hearing some strong replies online about your sevise." She says.

Like I care.

I do though. I care to much about this horse.

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