Look what you did.

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I hade been working with Paige for just a week now she's like a completely different horse. It's almost unbelievable.

I've call her owner how I now know was Gavin, he's coming to pick hee up today.

I watch as Gavin pulls in the driveway with his trailer.

"Hey, I want to ride her before I take her." I snap out of it and look at Gavin registering what he said. I just nod yes.

We headed out to were Paige wa as and quickly got her tacked up, we warmed her up in and Gavin finally got on.

I watch her tense the minute he got on. My suspicions carried on and the theory grew in my head.

I watch his ride her around he arean nice. Till h tried to get her closer to h fencing.

She tences and buckled, she froze and ran to the side.

He flicked hit his hand back to her flank, three times, I watched stunned, speechless, and froze, in confusion.

"EX-FUCKING-SCUSE ME!?" I screamed at the top ofnmy lungs watching Gavin smack Paige.

"Hold fucking still!" He yelled at the poor horse as he pulled her in circles and she simply did what what his hand was asking as he pulled her around and around still upset that she didn't speak English and couldn't understand him.

"God what do you want. Can't yous be in busy, doing your job!" He shouted at me, and that right there was the bored stiff of this guy, walking in here smacking a horse for no God damn reason, than telling meni didn't do my job!

"Get off." I deadpaned.

"What?" He looked appalled.

"Now." I said stiffly.

"Excuse me I don't think so she's m-" he got cut off my someone opening and closing the gate.

"She said Now, I surest you listen before she rips you off, I would offer to but lord knows Lila on pure anger, adrenaline is way scarier." I heard the familiar voice behind me and turned to see Karter walking up, he winked at me and Gavin mumbles coming under his breath and got off.

I smirked at Gavin as my stepped down with a beyond anoyyed look on his face.

"Ok, now you can go sit on the railing like a toddler while I show you how it's done, I said pointingnto the railing by the gate.

"I'll join ya buddy." Karter said putting a hand on Gavins back and pushing his to the gate with him before he even got an answer out.

I giggled to myself and walked ove to the gate behind the boys.


I stepped a foot in the stirup, and set myself in the saddle, I used a light hand to guide her around simply, we walked, trotted, loped, and gallop around the arena, now immense force needed, a light hand and that was all.

We were fisnlkt done showing off, and I walked back to Gavin and Karter.

"So, clearly it's Champagne? It's you." I said flatly.

He scoffed as i got off of Paige.

"Well seeing as you like her so fucking much you can keep her, immediately buy a fucking knew one, seeing as your clearly corrupted this onw" he shouted and walked away to his truck and drove away before I even got to answer, but I had a huge smile on my face.

I was gonna find her a good home or keep her, I did like her.

After the big Gavun fiasco, everything settled down.

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