Wash pt2

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I watch as eveyone gets on there horse, some getting help from the ranch hands soem getting help from Karter.

My Cousin McKayla is dead set on getting with him.

She's coke over and met Karter multiple times and always flirts with him, I finally it hilarious, he always feed into it but tells me that she's my cousin it would be weird, since weve known eachother for so long.

I'm still secretly rooting for them though.

McKayla, is a year older than us she's 20, but she's stunning.

She's had gorgeous mid leangth jet black hair, forest green eyes, she's got long slim legs and body, and the thickest lashes ive seen on a woman.

I used to be jealous of her, like alot, but I've come to terms with this is how I look and that's how she looks its no ones fault and we're both beautiful.

Now the only thing I'm Jealous of is her hieght. I'm stuck her at a wopping 5.3½ and she's uo there at 5.8, but to be fair at least I made it over 5.1, both my parents are shorter, my moms 5.0 and my dad's 5.10, im lacking geneticly.

I watch everyone get on and settle in the saddle, so I finally get on Bullet, and settle in aswell.

I grip Willys one rein in my hand, I decided I'd pony his today and when we get there Kiara will hold Bullet while I do the ceremony speech things.

Me, Mom, Kiara, and Porter will be saying speeches. Kiara first, then Porter, then Mom, then Me.

I line everyone up two ranch hands in the back the inexperienced riders in the middle and Kiara, Karter, McKayla and a ranch hand are gonna kinda circle around around and make sure everyone's doing okay and riding right.

McKayla is the only one of my cousins that can ride, that's why me and her get along so well, her mom/my aunt, and my mom, and the rest of the family don't know how.

He all set out in our little huddle, I lead the way to the spot we're well have it.

In about 40 minutes, we get there.

It's a stunning spot we're the willow trees hang over one spot, with a small clearing with a cliff hang off that over looks a green valley underneath that had a big wash, and stream.

I smiled at the over look, my grandfather loved this place. He used to take me and Kiki here all the time.

I get everyone settled in between the mini cliff and trees with splace for the four of us to go up at one at a time.

My mom's finishing up her speech, I get off Bullet and have Kiara hold him.

I grip Willys reins and a grab the saddle horn, I set my foot in the stirup, and pull myself in the saddle.

Right ad I get ready to put my other foot onto he stirup, he means a grunting noise and julots forward, I was stunned as my back lurched backwards and smacked against the back of the saddle and Willys flank.

I unwillingly let out a scream otu of shock and Willy bolts forward again not stopping this time, I slid right out of the saddle landing right on my butt as Willy runs right into the willow trees disappearing.

I quickly get us and panic, everyone around me looks shocked and my mother stands in from of all of them eith a terrified look.

"Kiara, Bullet" I say and sge quickly through his right rein back over his horn, and right as she does I pull myself up.

Not even willing to take a minute to process things I tap his sides and he gets my signals right away, perkingnuo and bolting in the direction Willy went.


I've been out for an hour, me and Bullet have looked all over, I got service and called everyone to go home.

They didn't want to but complied.

"How could I let this happen" I say to Bullet leaning my head back.

He lets out a low nicker. And I groan.

We re grouped back to the clearing by the willows and I still can't find him.

I lift my head uo and straighten my back.

I watch the clouds that are rolling in and the fading sun.

It's around 5PM now and it looks like a storms coming.

I groan at the half covered sun, and decided to go for one last look around before I can't.

I sigh, and cluck to Bullet, he nickers quietly and we start out again.

I decided to head down the the wash for our last look over.

The hairs getting cooler and cooler and the sun's fully convered, it's an eerie feeling being in the wash, being in a dip in the ground, it's like walls to the sides and a never ending tunnel with the could.

The trees hand over into the wash sole but it's wide with plenty of room.

I look yo the sides and I see multiple cuts through we're you can just walk up either of the sides and get to regular ground.

I decide to stick to the wash, hoping to see hooves prints or any sign of him.

We walk thw wash for 10 more minutes b3ifre Bullet freaks at booming Thunder.

I steady in the seat and clam him, but the Thunders soon followed by a loud winny

Bullets ears perk up, and im washed over with relief, that's got to be Willy.

I can hear it behind us.

We lope back a couple yards till we hear another winny, that's when i relize, Willys not in the wash.

Me and Bullet climb one of a small trails leading out of the wash to the right.

I look all around trying to see what direction to go in and I look left to be greated by Willy, he's hiding under a tree with both his reins wound up in the base of a tree.

I panic and we lope toward him, the minute we reach him I slide out of the saddle gripping my reins and undoing Willys.

I quickly scramble back into my saddle.

I breath heavily as I sit up straight, and make our way home.

5 minutes into the ride the rain starts pouring down down hard, in giant blobs.

It makes it hard to see but we make our way up the hills ans back onto the cliff and home.

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