~~Chapter 4: Amy Encounters the Werehog~~

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(Amy’s POV)

I walked through the woods, my feet crunching in the snow, it was a cloudless night, the gibbous moon shining, the full moon was only about a week off. There were some prints in the snow, they looked rather fresh, and like an animal caused them. The woods were eerily silent, not even crickets chirped. Highly unusual for a night on Mobius in autumn..

“H..Hello? Is anyone out there?” I asked nervously, nothing replied but a soft breeze, my dress and hair moving slightly. I felt relieved, but also lonely, suddenly the crunch of snow was heard behind me. I instantly pulled out my hammer and turned around. “Wh-Who’s there?!” I say, trying to sound brave. I hold my hammer above my head, ready to swing down at any moment. Nothing was there…I hear snow crunch again, and I spin around again.

“S-Seriously who’s there?! This isn’t funny!” I hold my hammer up again, until finally I see the culprit. It was tall, covered in long and  shaggy dark blue fur, its ears were tall and pointy, it had a long, wolf tail with a white tip, its canine fangs hung out of its mouth a bit, and those eyes…piercing yellow eyes. Its quill pattern looked like Sonic’s, but messier and with white tips. I was stunned in fear, my hammer dropped from my hands and I slowly met its gaze.

“G..Good…Good w-wild animal…” I said, my voice was quiet and I could barely hear myself speak, it looked at me, and growled softly, not in a threatening manner, but still terrifying. “Don’t hurt me p-please..” was all I managed to say, it crouched down, now on my level. “I’m not going to hurt you. Why are you out here so late?” Its voice was low and gravelly, but also oddly soothing. “I…I’m looking for my friend…” I said quietly, my ears down and my heart beating fast. At my words, the creature seemed to tense up slightly, its ear twitched. “May I ask what your friend's name is?” It asked, sounding more tense and less relaxed, this worried me.. “O-Oh um..his name is Sonic.”

Okay, so most of the chapters are short, sorry about that ;-;

WereSonamy: The Full Moon Chronicles: Book 1: Rise Of The Werehog Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ