~~Chapter 1: Bonding with friends~~

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(idk what to make some titles so imma just make up the chapter names as I go xd)

(Knuckles’ POV still)

Amy walked over and opened it,a look of happiness crossed her face, “Sonic! You came! Come on in,I made pancakes!” She said happily,Sonic walked in,smiling? I think so.

“Hey guys.” He said casually, “Oh,hey Sonic” Silver said with a smile, “Took you long enough, faker.” Shadow said,they’ve been using that as a term for a while “Wassup Sonic? I said as I got up and walked over to him, “Yo,wassup Knux?” he said,we fist bump and then I returned to my pancakes.

“Sorry I couldn’t make it out last night,Ames,I wanted to but” He paused, “Something came up.” he finished,Amy looked at him,with something of concern in her eyes,then went back to the kitchen,Shadow got up and walked over to Sonic, “Sonic,you look like shit,looks like you haven’t slept in days.” He said,I noticed that he had dark circles under his eyes,and they looked duller than usual, “Uh,Yeah,I just haven’t been sleeping well these past few days,no clue why.” He said with a slight chuckle, “You should sleep,you do look very tired Sonic,maybe go home and nap,I’m sure Amy will understand-” Silver started to say,but Sonic cut him off, “Guys,I swear I’m fine,I don’t need to go,it’s fine,I came to hang out with you guys,not leave cause y’all think I should,besides,I can’t leave Ames again,I’ve just, been having sleeping problems,no big deal,now get me some of them pancakes please!” He said,everyone nodded,and let him get to the plate the pancakes were on,he grabbed about 2 and sat on the sofa by Tails,taking a bite of his pancakes, “Mmmm! Who made these pancakes? They are delicious.” He said after he swallowed the bite, “Oh,Amy made them! I think…they’re cheesecake pancakes,I don’t know though.” Tails said, “Hmm,I’ll have to ask her!” Sonic said,before taking a sip of water,everybody was looking at him,including me. He chuckled awkwardly, “Uhh,guys I'm just tryna eat some food,c-can you stop staring?” he said awkwardly,everybody stopped staring,except for Shadow. Sonic sighed heavily, “That means you too,Shadow.” He said,Shadow stopped looking and went back to his pancakes,Amy walked out of the kitchen,wearing her apron,carrying a fresh tray of cookies, “Hey guys! I made cookies!” she said with a smile,she walked over and gave us each one cookie, Sonic smiled and took the cookie gratefully,he ate it with his pancakes, “Mmm! Ames you really know how to bake!” He said happily,Amy smiled and blushed slightly,before sitting down next to Sonic,eating a cookie of her own.

(Amy’s POV)

“Wow! These cookies really are good!” I said as I chewed a bite of one, Sonic nodded and looked at me,it was just now that I noticed how tired he looked,he had dark circles under his eyes,they were now more of a dark,cloudy,dull green then a crystal clear,bright emerald green,and he looked like something was bothering him,I called him into the kitchen to ask what was wrong,figured I wouldn’t do it in front of our friends.

(Sonic’s POV)

“Uhh,what did I do this time Ames?” I said nervously,she looked at me,sadness in her eyes, “Sonic,are you okay?” she said nicely, of course it's about this.I thought to myself, “Uhm,yeah I’m okay Ames,what makes you think I’m not?” I said,trying not to sound defensive, “It’s just,you look…” she stopped talking,I rolled my eyes “Tired?” I said, “Yeah I've heard that already,I've just been having trouble sleeping,nothing else.” I said,Amy looked surprised, “Sonic,I can tell something is bothering you,and I can’t help you unless you tell me what's going on.” She said,as eager as I was to tell her what was going on with me,I had to keep my secret, “Ames, I promise you that nothing is going on,I just have sleep insomnia that's acting up,i’m here to hang out with you and our friends,not get pestered cause i’m tired,now can we please go back out to your living room before they think you killed me?” I say with a smile,Amy giggles, “I don’t see why not,tonight try to get some sleep,okay? Can’t have my best friend exhausted right now.” She said with a smile,I giggled and nodded,then we walked back to the living room where our friends were waiting.

It is now 10:35 A.M,we decided to leave Amy’s house and hit up the park,but I'm scared they’ll see the damage I caused last night…just a few minor scratches to the playground equipment…not like we’re gonna go to the playground….right?

“Sonic,why do you seem so on edge about going to the park?? It’s just a park,and you love the fresh air and sunshine.” Amy said,snapping me out of my thoughts

“Hmm? Oh,what do you mean Ames? I ain’t on edge at all.” I said,I highly doubt she believed me,but I still tried, “Are you sure? You seem distracted.” She said, “N-No I assure you I am not.” I say as I continue walking forward,Amy sighs heavily, “Sonic,I’m worried about you,please tell me what’s wrong.” She says,sounding desperate, this was frankly getting on my nerves, “Ames,for the 4th time I’m fine.” I say,sounding more aggressive than I meant to,she looks at me sadly, “Fine,i’ll stop bothering you about it.” she said,and with that she walks beside Blaze,and they begin talking,leaving me with Shadz,Silv,and Knux.

Phew, we didn't go to the playground, I'm still safe.

(Nobody’s POV)

They have been hanging out basically all day,it is now 7:50 P.M,Sonic understands that if he wants to keep his secret,he’s gonna need to sneak out of Amy’s house before 8:00.

(Amy’s POV)

“Oh my god,I can’t believe we’ve been all hanging out all day! It’s frankly amazing!” I said,joy in my voice, “I was thinking about making dinner tonight! What do you guys wanna eat?” I said with a smile, “Ames,unfortunately I can’t stay for dinner tonight,I have……plans.” Sonic said,my smile faded slightly, “O-Oh that's alright, does anybody else need to go?” I said reluctantly,everybody looked saddened, “Yeah,I have to go back to the island,hopefully nobody’s stolen my emerald yet,although I had a lot of fun today,Amy.” Knuckles said with a smile, “It’s date night,I gotta pick Blaze up at 8,sorry Amy.” Silver said with a sad voice, “I should probably check on my plants,but I'll come back around 9,if you’d like,Amy!” Tails said, “O-Oh okay…i’m glad you guys had fun.” I said,the smile from moments ago gone,we all hugged and then I was alone in my house, again.

Later that night…..

WereSonamy: The Full Moon Chronicles: Book 1: Rise Of The Werehog Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat