
Levi nods looking at her then looking out the window, following Destiny's eyes.


"I think we should probably go to the car. I mean the wedding is in four hours away and I have eleven girls to do makeup for." Destiny said.

Levi nodded then left the room heading to the cars lined up outside, Destiny following close behind him slowly catching up and soon enough they were walking side by side. The walk to the front of the resort was nice because most of the crowd in the halls had settled so it was easy to maneuver around to get to their destination a lot easier compared to earlier that morning. When they finally reached outside the two parted ways- Levi going to the front of the line and Destiny to the middle.

Destiny opened the car door expecting to be with the other bridesmaids but to her shock she was with Beverly and Layla. As the two girls looked up to see who entered their car Layla exploded into a huge smile scooting over to make room if Destiny chose to sit in the back with herself and Beverly. So that is exactly what she did, as the car started to move the three girls screamed lyrics to pop hits at the top of their lungs getting energy for the events ahead, not having a care in the world.

"Hey so where is Sophie?" Beverly asked her sunglasses covering her eyes.

"Oh, she said she wanted to be with the other bridesmaids also so her twin sister would have someone to talk to." Layla replied.

Both Destiny and Bevverly nodded in acknowledgement.

"So, what are you wearing to the wedding?" Beverly asked, looking over Layla directing the question to Destiny.

"Well since it is only a behind the scenes job, I just thought of wearing a dress I bought two years ago. "Destiny replied. "I wasn't sure if I was allowed to be present for the reception. "

"You did not think you were allowed at the reception?!" Layla interrupted and looked to her left where Destiny sat. "What gave you that idea?"

"Well typically in my workplace unless it is a family member wedding, we typically aren't allowed to go out to join receptions."

"Huh. That's weird but you are coming to mine. I'm the bride what I say goes."

"Ok ... I'll concede. I'll go to the reception." She laughs gently looking at her friend who clapped in excitement.

"Yes. You're a saint Destiny!" Layla laughs and looks at her.

Why is that? I didn't do anything" the girl chuckles softly but looked at Layla in curiosity, trying to wrap her head around what she had meant by the thank you.

Layla shrugs "I don't know I just felt like saying thank you." 

Destiny chuckled laying her head against the car's tinted window and started falling in and out of sleep, she was not a morning person by any means and another factor going into her tiredness was the fact that she usually has coffee by this point in the day so the lack of it was throwing her off. So sure, enough she did fell asleep the rest of the car ride to the venue ignoring any sounds that could potentially wake her.

Levi looked outside the window of the car he and Adam were riding in letting the fast blurs of trees and muted pastel houses blew by as they drove, the car ride to the venue was relatively quiet and Levi seemed more nervous than Mitchell himself which he didn't comprehend, how was he not nervous for his wedding? Why was he so calm? maybe it was the fact this was Levi's twin sister was getting married and he just wanted to make sure everything went perfect for the soon to be married couple, noting less than the best for them. Levi hadn't noticed due to his internalized panic that Mitchell had looked at him arching his brow slightly. 

"Why do you look so nervous. I'm not I know everything's going to be just fine."

Levi sighed rubbing the back of his neck his gaze directing to his hands, anywhere but Mitchell trying to find the words to say. 

"I just want today too great for you and Layla. You guys deserve it. I'm not talking just as her twin brother but as your friend to."

Mitchell's gaze softens placing a reassuring hand onto the red head's shoulder patting it in comfort. "Everything will go fine; I promise but I do appreciate the fact that your so worried about it. It means a lot to me Levi I cannot wait to join your guys' family." 

Levi chuckled " You already were a part of it."

Both boys smiled at each other letting the conversation drift off upon seeing the car drive into a parking lot. They had arrived, Levi got out of the car and smiled at 
Mitchell through the door his eyes determined with a hint of nervousness, but it wasn't as overpowered like a few minutes ago.

"Let's get you married." Levi said thinking to himself this is going to be epic.

Little did he know he was going to be blown away by a gorgeous girl as well, not just the groom.

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