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Early that next morning Destiny woke up due to the footsteps stamping past her door running to the elevator at the end of the hall. For a brief moment Destiny wondered why as her head was filled with tiredness due to the events of the previous night. Then it hit her. Layla's wedding was today and that was the bridal party and groomsmen rushing to get everything they were bringing to the venue packed into one of the many cars that she was sure were lined up outside the hotel.

Looking around she put on a sweatshirt and shorts grabbing the dress she was wearing, and her makeup case then walked over to Levi who was still lying peacefully.

"Levi woke the hell up at today's wedding!" she whisper-shouted and ran out the door trying to find Layla to find out if she was walking in the wedding or not and also to ask what car she would be riding in so she could put her makeup case in the right car.

Levi who just woke up because of a very rushed and frantic Destiny popped up instantly grabbing his suit and dress shoes as well as putting on a random outfit.

"Fuck ok, you've got time Levi just go to Mitchell and then the rest well play out just as the day was intended to." he mutters fixing his hair as best he could then run out the door checking his phone noticing three missed calls from Mitchell.

Levi quickly calls Levi back, his hands fumbling to grip the phone as he runs to find where he was supposed to go.

"Mitchell hey sorry I slept in. Where are the groomsmen supposed to meet?" he panted, taking a pause for a minute leaning against a wall.

"Oh, I know." Mitchell chuckled his laugh slightly staticky over the phone. "But you meet me in the first car considering you are my best man after all."

Levi chuckled and nodded seeing Destiny running towards their room in the corner of his eyes. "Yeah, sounds good, just give me like five or six minutes. I'm going to make sure I don't leave anything behind that I need to take to the venue."

"Ok see you soon.

As the call cut, he shuffled between people to make it back to his and Destiny's room trying to find Destiny herself.

"Des, I thought you left for the cars already...." he called out to the girl as the door to their room unlocked.

Destiny turned around taking deep and heavy breaths and anxiety was filling her head with thoughts, making it hard for her to respond.

"Yeah, I did, I just needed a break." Destiny said tapping her fingers against her leg to try and ground herself trying to regain her cool exterior.

She shouldn't even be this stressed out her job was probably the least stressful thing, the key word being should, all she had to do was make the bridal party pretty then enjoy the party and with Beverly feeling better she did not have to worry about that, but her nerves happened at the worst times especially when there was nothing to be worried about.

"What is going on, talk to me."

Levi walked up to her and sighs, wrapping his arms around the girl's waist trying to shield out her worries like he wished he could.

"Just I want everything to go well today. Layla really deserves it, I just hope that the makeup I do is up to par, usually my clients tell me it is but with Layla it's different I don't know how to put it into words without making total nonsense."

Levi understood what she meant or at least he thought he did. It was because Layla meant a lot to her that she was stressing over it and for perfectionist like Destiny sometimes that feeling gets heightened.

I'm sure Layla will love it; you want to know why? "Levi said.


"She adores you just like I do. You mean the world to her and to be honest and don't tell the bridal party members this, but Layla always considered you her best friend. So, when she found out you were her makeup artist, she was ecstatic she didn't even tell me so that tells you how happy she was."

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