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As they started walking to the Aquatic center Destiny once again took in the views surrounding her, keeping the memory by taking a few pictures before returning her gaze to Levi who was just watching her with a big grin playing on his face. Destiny grinned softly looking back at him, her brow arching gently in question.

"What?" She looked at him and asked.

"I just find it cute how you take pictures of anything." he smiled, marveling at her.

"It helps me remember certain moments of my life; sure, you have memories but those fade pictures last forever." she smiles then bumped his shoulder playfully.

"I actually never thought of it like that, that is incredibly smart."

Levi nodded listening to her words as they walked closer and closer to the Aquatic rescue center, for the rest of the way they talked about everything and anything, but it was just that way with them, they literally could just talk, and time flew by.

A few moments later they arrived to his workplace, and Destiny marveled at the size of the place, sure she expected it to be big but not like the size of an amusement park big, it was a white large white gate leading into the place, Destiny also smiled seeing the blue stones gracing the walkway, it kind of looked like a hopscotch type thing and she decided to do the only logical thing- and hop on each blue stone.

Levi laughs as he sees this, finding it absolutely adorable that she found joy in the small things most people their age didn't acknowledge from their childhood.

God she is adorable. Levi thought tilting his head watching her his smile growing more by the minute.

"Hey, wait up, do you even know where you are going Tiny." he laughs while jogging up to her.

Destiny paused for a moment looking around and realized that she indeed did not know where she was going.

"Oh yeah... I guess I don't. I suppose I just got a little well you know..."  she said looking down laughing trying to play off her embarrassment.

Levi hummed and took the lead taking her to the entrance of the Aquarium then went to the rescue area.

"Well, this is where I work, I help sea creatures get back to their normal selves then release them out into the wild if they can be let back out into the ocean." he smiled with pride at his work. "Only people who do tours of our facility get to see this area."

Destiny nodded looking around waiting for Levi too continue her private tour of the facility. It was quiet except for the occasional few people running in and out of the building.

"So how many animals do you see a day do you think?" Destiny asked.

Personally, for me I see like at least 6 so I feel like I completed a few things for each animal." Levi replied, smiling back at her.

"Let's go to the actual Aquarium part and walk around for a bit."

"Sounds good."

The duo walked around the Aquarium for a few hours longer enjoying each other's presence. The ideas of them parting in the far crevices of their minds, they were just taking in the moment. Both Destiny and Levi had completely missed how much time had passed, they only realized it was getting late when Levi checked his phone as it read 4:30 pm.

"Wow I didn't realize we were out this long." Destiny said looking at her own phone seeing the time and 2 missed calls and three texts from Layla.

"Damn she really needs you for something." Levi jokes looking at the girl.

"Guess twins really are similar then. Right Levi?" Destiny retorted looking at him right back. Levi laughs at this, and the sound melodic to Destiny's ears.

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