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The night went off without a hitch. The group of girls were drunk out of their minds talking nonsense to one another, Destiny thought she heard one of the girls talking about someone jumping a guy's bones but to be honest, she was tipsy herself, so she might've misheard, but that's beside the point.

They had left the restaurant to go to the club next door which was packed to the brim with people who were very touchy with one another, the club reeked of sex and alcohol yet Destiny could not care less, she had made her way to the bar settling down for a while watching the bridal party and Layla dance with one another drunkenly screaming the lyrics to the remixed songs coming on over the speakers. Destiny hummed tapping her fingers to the beat of the song, it's not that she didn't dance it was the fact she was jet lagged and was currently in heels that made it feel like edge was losing circulation in her feet. Just as she got her drink, she heard the song she couldn't resist getting out on the floor to dance to. Sexy bitch by David Guetta and Akon. So, with a quick swig she strutted on the floor the pain in her feet slowly went numb to the point she could not feel it- and just started dancing, Destiny felt herself letting loose as she heard the cheers of the girls in the bridal party hyping her up.

" LET'S GO DESTINY SHAKE IT GIRL." She picked up on Layla shouting at her.

" YEAH, YOU LOOK SEXY!" Shouted one of the other girls in the bridal party who tonight she learned her name was Beverly or Bev, who Layla met in college freshman orientation and have been friends since, she was one of the only members of the bridal party that made the effort to approach her and try to make conversation which she genuinely appreciated.

As she danced it was like all her worries fell to the floor as she seemed to stop them away , as the night went on she hadn't noticed a certain ginger haired boy watching her as the groomsmen went out for a drink, Levi couldn't tare his eyes away from the raven haired girl - , he hadn't seen her this free ever, she was always so focused on her studies and doing well in school, Levi turned his head grabbing his drink taking a sip noticing the groom looking at him with arched brows .

"Who's that Levi, girlfriend?" Asked the groom Mitchell.

"Ex girlfriend" Levi muttered sipping his drink again looking at Mitchell. " We broke up our senior year of high school."

"Ouch. If you don't mind me asking, who broke up with who?" Mitchell hissed continuing speaking.

Levi stayed silent for a few moments his throat closed up, he felt the words coming out only for nothing to be spoken. It was silent for a few seconds more before speaking again.

"She broke up with me." He mumbled gripping his drink tighter, Mitchell looked at the boy wrapping his arm around Levi's shoulder, giving him a sympathetic smile.

" You still love her, don't you?" Mitchell asked looking at the red-haired boy.

Levi sighed thinking about it. No, he couldn't possibly. It had been years since they saw each other so how he could still love her. He was just proud of her for doing things out of her comfort zone and learning to let go that she doesn't need to work so hard. Just from what she has told him she works and travels at least 7 times a week just to do makeup for weddings in various parts of the world. She deserved it. But the fact he could not tare his eyes away from her wasn't anything signifying love- no it really wasn't, or rather that was what he tried to convince himself of.

"Nope I don't." Levi finally said replying to Mitchell's earlier question "I'm just proud that she's having a good time letting loose." Levi continued staring into the whiskey he was drinking, which was barely touched due to his empty thoughts drifting off into space.

"Yeah sure" Mitchell scoffed and laughed to himself softly. " I will let you believe that."  He ruffled the boy's hair softly " c'mon we better head out we're going to  go to the beach to surf." Levi nodded smiling faintly.

" Roger that I'll get my board from the hotel room." Levi started heading out the sun was now setting finally the skies taunting pink into blue into purple. The perfect sunset. As he entered the room, he realized Destiny was still out, which made him feel a bit better so that he did not have to deal with the awkward run ins anymore that day, after grabbing the board he ran out the door to meet with the groomsmen.

Arriving at the beach Levi found himself at peace. Watching the waves overlapping and crashing onto the golden-brown sand he smiled letting the wind flow through his curls,

"Levi over here!" Mitchell shouted motioning him over to the other side of the beach where the waves were perfect for surfing joining the lineup of groomsmen Levi started to line himself up to paddle out into catching the wave, even if he didn't catch a wave he was out on the ocean, the place he felt most at home.  Levi found himself watching the sun his feet subtly kicking projecting him foreword as he sat on the surfboard with the other boys enjoying this feeling for as long as he could, before returning to the reality he was currently in- which means navigating the whole Destiny situation, which while yes it was needed , but he didn't want to be reminded about the way his heart beat for the girl he once loved.

I should not be thinking of her right now! Levi get it through your thick scull that you and Destiny will never fucking happen ever again! It's boys time stop! Levi thought to himself sighing. This was going to be incredibly difficult.

" Hey guys I'm going to head back to my room in a few minutes I need to get a full nine hours of sleep for tomorrow." Levi chuckled remembering the fact that Mitchell wanted to do a full-on boy's day tomorrow.

"Alright dude, see you tomorrow! get ready to find yourself a date to my wedding!" Mitchell responded fallowing the red headed boys lead paddling back to the shore "I should probably get back Layla is probably black out drunk."

"Probably knowing my little sister, she absolutely is." Levi laughs " I love my little sister, but it seems her battery is always on full charge, she rarely ever crashes before 9pm I'm sure you know that though."

As he washed on the shore, he heard Mitchell's laughter ringing from behind him.

"That my friend is very true, it is honestly amazing because she gives me the energy to do things I normally wouldn't do. That is one of the reasons I fell in love with her." Mitchell admitted a smile crossing his face rivaling his usual tight-lipped expression.

Levi admitted when Layla brought Mitchell home for the first time to meet his family, he hated the guy, he thought Mitchell was no good, back then Mitchell was the bad boy punk stereotype in a nutshell he didn't care if he broke the rules, and he didn't care about anything - or anyone for that matter, that was until he saw how Mitchell acted with not just Layla but him their parents as well. He was the perfect gentlemen he helped him, and his mom clean up dinner after they ate and soon after that he saw Mitchell watching the summer Olympics with his dad commentating whenever anything interesting happened. Then Mitchell started joining them on family vacations and well here they were, Mitchell marrying Layla- and Levi the best man to Mitchell. The thought made Levi feel sentimental, maybe it was because he never thought anyone was good enough for his little sister and now that someone has (even exceeding them a bit), Levi was watching his little sister get married. I was enough to make the redhead want to cry- his little sister was growing up and he couldn't have been prouder.

"I am glad you are the one Layla's married to." Levi admitted looking at Mitchell who returned with a smile.

Thanks dude" Mitchell paused. "That means a lot to me, especially coming from you."

Levi nods as the two boys shared one final glance to each other before heading off to their respective hotel rooms, Levi felt oddly at peace after the heart to heart he had with Mitchell, he felt ready to talk to Destiny despite the obvious awkward tension between the. Levi finally reached the hotel room and sighed before it clicked signifying, he could go in he looked around noticing a soft mumbling coming from the bathroom, and there was Destiny- drunk as a skunk. Levi sighed helping Destiny sit up against the wall.

"Alright tiny how much did you have to drink tonight." Levi sighed asking her, starting to realize this was going to be a long night ahead of him.

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