"Agreed." Jason said as he drank his water.

"Just take a bite of my burger. It won't hurt." Noelle insisted again.

Very persistent.

I know she is just looking out for me.

"Okay, if you say so."

She handed me her burger, and I took it, taking a bite out of it.

It tasted good, though. Not gonna lie.

"Can I have it all?" I ask her, taking another bite.

"Girl, take the whole burger, I don't need it." She reluctantly offered her burger to me, so I kept chewing.

My nausea faded away as soon as I finished my burger and took out my water bottle, instantly feeling the thirst of water. This is definitely a strange feeling. I'm so used to throwing up on my period, and I already feel much better now.

Sneakily, I took some of Carlos's fries. "Hey! That was my last one." He immediately frowned in sadness.

"You did offer one earlier, so I'm taking the offer back." I smiled devishly.

"Fair." He simpluly said and took a sip of his sprite.

■ □ □ □ ■

The last bell rang, and I zoomed out of my US history classroom. I pushed open the doors of the school and felt a sudden breeze of warm, cool air hit my face. I trudged over to my car and turned the power of the car on.

I put my backpack in the passenger seat and hop in the driver's seat, turning the engine on and buckling my seatbelt. Then, I drive back home.

I arrived at my house and grabbed my backpack, and turned the power off of my car. I ringed the doorbell, and my mom opened it for me.

"Hey, mija. How was school?" She inquired as she returned to the kitchen area, grabbing the leftover food from yesterday's dinner.

"I battled through it lol, I got my, you know, period." I whisper 'period' so my dad doesn't hear me but loud enough for my mom to hear.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. You should rest today. Do homework on the weekend." She tells me.

"I will." I smile weakly as I feel the cramps again.

I go upstairs to my room and change into comfortable clothes. Then, I use the bathroom doing my business.

I seriously don't know how other girls use tampons. They probably feel uncomfortable.

I finish my business in the bathroom and wash my hands. I leave the bathroom, and I plop onto my bed in exhaustion. I get comfy and wrap my blanket around me.

If only I could just sleep.

However, that doesn't work on me.

I rest for a while, getting only thirty minutes of nap time.

Out of nowhere, someone knocks on my door.

"Istg if it's you, Carlos, I'm going to sue -" I immediately rash out because of my mood swings and hormones.

"It's not Carlos, it's me."

I look up and see Miles holding a handmade purple bouquet and my favorite chocolates. I start to tear up.

"Miles..." I trail off. "This is so sweet of you." I immediately cry. I try to get up to hug him, but he hugs me instead.

He releases the hug, and I take the bouquet of flowers, putting it on my bed. He kisses my forehead, and I quickly open the chocolates.

I munch on my chocolates, and he just stares at me.

"What? Did I do something?" I inquired.

"No, no. It's just that you look cute when you're grumpy." He tells me.

"Whatever floats your boat, I guess." I said as I don't look cute when I'm grumpy. I don't know what he's talking about.

I'm a living heir when I'm like this.

Anyway, he comforts me until I am all better. Then, for a while, he left as my cramps went away.

"He's a keeper." My mom suddenly states outside of my room.

Yeah, definitely.

■ □ □ □ ■

Author's Note: Heyy!! How did you guys like this chapter? Well, I hope you guys liked it! I had prism performances yesterday and didn't have time to finish it yesterday, but it's whatever. Anyway, I will see you guys in the next chapter!!!

Question of the Day: Are you guys going to prom? I am!

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