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(Nobody's POV) !!Graphic Death, Disturbing scenes!!

The night was dark and silent as the clouds covered the bright moon. The stars glinted in the dull night sky. The crickets where the only sound in the forest as the wind lightly swayed the trees and plants.

The calming breeze dragged along dark gray clouds through the sky. The soft figures in the sky released an audible sound of thunder as a light rain started to sprinkle down. The soft splash of misted rain didn't last long before it started to pour down bucket tons.

The wind carried the fresh rain smell for awhile until a metal like scent started to trace in the air.. The water that trickled down the rocks and green grass into the river started to pick up a soft red tint. A dark silhouette stood in the night over another motionless clump of fur.

A soft rustle came from the dark bushes before a dusky brown tabby emerged from what seemed to be an endless void. The elegant black cat flicked his ear and turned to the other, his blue eye showing a harsh gaze through the weak green gaze.

"This was the correct target, correct..?" The black cat stared at the useless body on the ground.

"Mhm. I've trained you well. This kill was very clean.." The brown cat snickered as he licked at soaking paws.

The rain continued to slosh down on them as they stood there. The black cat mumbled.

"I'd say I'm almost better then you.. Oak'Branch.." He gave the older cat a cold glare, his sleek black tail flicking.

Oak' Branch scoffed as his pupils turned into slits as thin as paper. "You're far from where I stand.. You still have a lot to learn." He snickered in a demanding and harsh way.

The young tom snickered as he turned to Oak. He unsheathed his claws and stepped closer. "You know... you're getting pretty old. You aren't as good as you once where and I'll be taking your place soon enough.." He snicked with an arrogant look in his eyes.

The brown cat snarled with an angered look in his eyes. "I still have plenty of time. Plus if I did die anytime soon you won't over come me.. You are trained nowhere near my status."

The younger cat scoffed. His blue eyes glinted as he walked over and whispered. "You may be able to fill the lightest trickles of rain with a taint pink.. But I'll be the one to run the rivers red."

His eyes widened.

"Wh-" Before the old brown tom could speak, he found himself choking on a warm, metal-like taste.

He found himself weakly falling to the cold ground, trembling as his tail puffed out. He hacked out the bright red substance as his fur became drenched with more then just rain. He looked up weakly.

The younger cat glared down harshly at him. He wiped his red paws off to their normal black color as his white-tipped nose twitched.

"Y-You..." The older cat coughed out. His vision began to fade as he tried to stand but fell back down. He choked out more blood as he tried to breath but only struggled more as tears filled his eyes. The salty water rolled through his fur but washed away quickly by rain.

"Y-you'll..... pay f-... pay for this.... Crow'Mumble.." He managed a choked mumble before falling limp. His eyes clouded over with a betrayed look.

Crow scoffed "I'll have nothing to pay for.. Getting rid of you was better for this world."

He grabbed the scruff of the old cat and dragged him off over to the shimmering river. He tossed the limp rag-dolled cat into the moonlit river as it washed into a soft pink.

His tail twitched as he grabbed the other unknown limp body, doing the same and tossing it into the streaming river. Soon enough the pink color faded out. His blue eyes turned over as a small sparrow landed by him.
He shifted his paws to look at the sparrow, a careless and cold look filling his eyes.

The stars twinkled as the the black cat slid into the never ending shadows. The river kept flowing as the pebbles on the bay shimmered with a slight glint of blood. Everything seemed normal as if nothing happened, the only thing off setting being the small, headless sparrow laying on the ground. The moon emerged from the clouds as the river silently babbled. Oh, the mysteries that will go undiscovered, maybe for the better..

Authors Notes:

Hey guys!! Thanks for reading the Prologue of Broken Skies!! I'll try to get the first real chapter out soon!

I know this isn't very long but I hope to make longer parts in the future. Again, thanks for reading!!!!

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