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The sound of cheering filled Alyvia's ears as she stood on the sideline of the Wildcat's last game of the season with her camera in hand

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The sound of cheering filled Alyvia's ears as she stood on the sideline of the Wildcat's last game of the season with her camera in hand.

The score was twenty six to forty five with the West High Knights leading over the Wildcats by nineteen points with 18 seconds left in the first half.

"Let's go!"

The ball was inbounded to the Bolton boy as he quickly brought it up the court, causing them to swing the ball around the perimeter before it was quickly turned over.

Number 02 on the Knights raced up the court with a defender on his right, causing him to bounce pass it to his teammate who took it straight to the bucket, gaining two more points for their team.

"Come on, man!"

"Control the ball!" Coach Bolton snapped from the sideline as he watched his son bring the ball back up the floor. "Let's go!"

Troy was lobbed the ball in the paint only for him to lose his handles on the ball before it was knocked towards out of bounds and as he went to save it the sound of the buzzer rang through the gym.

"That concludes the first half of play in our State Championship in our final game with the West High Knight leading defending champion East High Wildcats 47-26."

Alyvia watched her boys walk defeatly towards the locker room as the West High Knights fans were cheering loudly.

"Hey, Liv."

The Bolton girl heard from behind her, causing her to turn and find Martha standing with the cheerleaders.

"Oh, hey Martha." Alyvia greeted, pulling her into a quick hug.

"What a game huh?" Martha questioned, causing some of the girls around her to nod.

"I'm not worried. I know my boys are figuring it all out right now." Alyvia smiled before holding her camera up. "Can I get a quick picture?"

"Yeah, sure." Martha grinned, causing the cheerleaders to all group together before Liv snapped a few pictures before she smiled.

"Thanks. Hey, I'll catch you later." Alyvia suggested, causing Martha to nod before Liv made her way towards the student section as she began taking pictures.

"What team!"

A smile grew on Liv's face as the familiar chant got louder before the boys came rushing back into the gym hyped up.

Sixteen, sixteen, sixteen minutes left
Better get it done
Sixteen, sixteen
Sixteen more minutes
Get ready, game on

Sixteen, sixteen
Sixteen minutes left
Running out of time
Sixteen, sixteen
Sixteen more minutes
It's on the line

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