the start of something new

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the start of something new

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ALYVIA BOLTON is a girl that only her friends and someone who has never met her would describe as a reserved girl who loves to capture the little moments in life. But to everyone else in school and even in town, she is known as Troy Bolton's sister or the other Bolton.

Alyvia is usually seen keeping to herself or to her very few friends but if you look close enough you would see that the girl never leaves home without her camera. She loves to capture the moments in her life she wouldn't want to forget or she knows that others wouldn't want to forget. It has been Liv's dream to go to NYU for film ever since she got her first camera at the age of 10; she's wanted to be a director for as long as she could remember. After many years of convincing Liv decides it was time to step in front of the camera and show everyone that she is more than just the sister of Troy the basketball boy.


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Alyvia Bolton
- Emily Rudd

Alyvia Bolton - Emily Rudd

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Troy Bolton
- Zac Efron

Troy Bolton - Zac Efron

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the start of something new; chad danforthWhere stories live. Discover now