Chapter 11: A Spark in The Dark Part 2

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"Do you feel it...? Death, it's coming...Ah, it's beautiful. Many will die, and more will suffer but...How?" The words distributed The Watcher's meditation as they alerted him that a cursed being had awakened.

"You finally decided to speak...Heh. Were you thinking that I was going to let you take control? If so then you have made a big mistake." He put his wooden mask back on and used his staff to support himself as he struggled to stand up. It was hard not to think that he was bluffing with the state he was in. 

"I did, until I smelled a weird, yet lovely, smell. It's similar to the one I smelled from that researcher's corpse but stronger. It felt like something so good that it shouldn't even exist." The more Silent spoke the harder it was for The Watcher to hold himself together. Every word he said echoed in his head hundreds of times, enough to make even those with the strongest mental have a breakdown.

"That's the smell of fate being defied and broken...I have been waiting for this day for a long time but it's finally here..." He barely managed to speak. He was getting tired, but that did not stop him from pushing himself to move forward out of the room he was in.

"Boy, what are you playing here, I wonder? You don't have much time before I take the lead here, so tell me, what have you done?" Silent was sure that he would take control of the body this time. Even if it does not last for long, he will make sure to kill every living being he can reach. However, he felt that something was wrong for some reason. It felt way too easy for him, that did not make sense. 

"Don't be impatient Silent, you will get your chance, just not now. For the time being, I want you to sit and watch. Today will be the start of a great change in Terra." The elderish creature continued walking aiming for the exit of the building.

He moved with slow and unsteady steps, his back was arched as if he carried on it the pain and suffering of all those he had seen perish through all of his time as The Watcher. 

With each room he passed, his knee eyes scanned the forgotten relics that adorned the walls and shelves. Photographs in tarnished frames stared back at him, capturing moments from a bygone era. Dust-covered books, Items, and trinkets lay scattered amidst the debris of neglect.

Most of the things left here hinted that this place had once held a family inside its walls, as for what their fate was...the answer could be found in the shadows that lurked around the uninhabitable rooms. They were not just the normal shadows, no, they were more than that.

The Watcher could hear their endless whispers in the dark and hidden corners around him. They had made an appearance when he started the ritual for bringing Galena back to life. How could they not? The amount of dark magic that was used then was enough to hold the interest of even the so-called masters using it.

Only he could see them, that was both a blessing and a curse, however for him, it was mostly a curse. These shadows were the remains of a soul that had died. To most people, the shadows appeared like normal ones with no difference. But to him, they were nothing but a reminder of the reality of death. 

So he did what he always did whenever he saw them. He ignored their existence and moved on, he had more important things to do for him to care about the story they tried to tell.

"Time is ticking boy, but I still can't feel any enjoyment from this. It's as if there is something that will...stop me before I get my moment to shine." The Watcher had finally reached the exit door, or at least what was left of it. "You keep talking about this change that is going to happen today, but would it even matter that match? For centuries we have seen many historic events unfold, would this one be comparable to them?"

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