Chapter 14: Red eyes, Blue flame, Lost Soul

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"I found someone here-" 

"-the medics, she is still breathing!"

"She is infected. Don't come!"

The sounds of men shouting bothered Galena. Her head felt heavy and hard to move. Her eyes refused to open as she tried to understand what was happening around her. Her body was completely in shambles, it felt like she was hit by a truck.

It took her some time to even manage to remember what had led her to this situation. 

She followed the mist, lost control of her body, and then got transported to the void. The mist talked with her but she did not fully understand what he was talking about. She thought it might have been about the Watcher, but she wasn't sure.

After that, the mist did something to her body, it felt different. There was no pain, but whatever happened made her exhausted to the point she lost consciousness. 

Now that she is awake things did not seem to be good for her. When she opened her eyes, she was met by a group of LGD guards. They did not look happy to see her. If what she had heard was true, then she was in big trouble.

"Don't move infected!" One of the guards ordered her the moment he noticed that she was awake.

"Dammit! Go fuck yourself!" Galena wasn't planning on repeating the last scenario she had with the LGD once again. She started running as fast as she could away from them.

 "Stop there now!" They were already on her tail chasing.

Her body, although tired, felt much more flexible and easier to move. Her speed was also unexpectedly fast. The guards were struggling to keep up with her pace, they did not expect someone who was knocked out a moment ago to be capable of running this fast. Even Galena herself was surprised.

In fact, she was so surprised to the point that she tripped on a rock and fell face-first on the road. She was still not used to her new speed.

"Haha, here you are you idiot." Before she could recover the guards were already jumping on her and cuffing her hands. " To think you'll be dumb enough to trip like that, HAHAHA."

Their laughs made her feel humiliated. She did not like that.

"You shouldn't have run away if you can't even do it right." 

The cuffs around her hands were tight. They hurt her.

"I thought you were one of those terrorists but now seeing what happened, I would be surprised if you could hurt a fly even if you wanted. But that doesn't matter, you are still infected. We have to take you."

The looks they gave, pity, disgust, and pure hatred. She despised them.

They pulled her up and shoved her in front of them. One of the guards pulled his sword and aimed it at her neck. The weapon was already sprayed with the blood of who knows how many infected he had already killed, it was already dry.

"Usually we'll have to take you to HQ for investigation, but I won't do that." His voice was cold and his eyes were empty. " Today I have lost many good comrades at the hands of infected like you. Someone must pay. Unfortunately for you, I don't really care if you were part of the attack or not, what matters is that you are infected."

The tip of his sword touched her neck, barely avoiding cutting the flesh. He had already made up his mind a long time ago, that he was going to kill Galena. The other guards felt the same, she could see it in their eyes. The eyes of people who had lost something that could never be bought back. In this case, it was their humanity.

"Kneel and apologize for everything. Maybe, if you do, I might make it quick." A smile crept across his face. That was the last push for Galena.

The moment she saw, his sadistic smile, something clicked in her mind. A memory passed through her eyes. It was her last moment before being mercilessly killed like an unwanted animal. She was tortured, toyed with, and in the end, slaughtered like cattle.

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