chapter 41: high five friday

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Natasha's pov:

We get to English and he walks in without holding the door for me. "Uh rude much." I say to his back as I enter the classroom. He doesn't reply back to me and sits on a chair. I try sit beside him but his hand quickly moves onto the chair beside him and he says "Not today."

Uh, what the fuck.

I stand there in shock. I peer into his green eyes trying to find a reason for his sudden reaction but I can't. Did I do something wrong? Did I say something wrong? "Yo Princess, over here!" I hear Flynn's voice boom throughout the room. He has a spare chair beside him so I make my way towards him.

"Hey Flynn, thanks." I greet him. He smiles at me and gestures for me to sit beside him. "Hey love." He turns to face me. "You feelin' better?" He asks with concern. "Much better don't worry." I respond back. I remember that the last time that I was with Flynn, was the day I fainted.

He must still think that I'm sick.

"My biological brothers urged me to eat more so I'm doing better." I mention. "That's great Tash, I'm glad that you're getting the help you deserve." He warmly smiles at me. "Me too." I reply. "Me too." I repeat again in a quieter tone. To change the subject away from me, I ask him a question.

"Are you going to the gaf tomorrow?"

He shakes his head negatively as the teacher walks in. "Nah, I need to be in tip top shape for the raid on Sunday. Don't wanna be hungover ya know. Guns and alcohol don't mix well together." He explains his reason. "Yea that's smart." I reply feeling dumb. Flynn notices this and asks "You're not going, right?"

I look down to my palms. He will definitely know if I lie or not so I might as well tell him the truth. "So basically.." I begin.

Time Passes:

I tell Flynn everything from the time Nico persuaded me to go, to the time when the twins found out about the blackmail. Flynn's mouth was wide open during all of it. By the time I know it, class is almost over. We were talking A LOT but the teacher didn't seem to care since we were speaking English at the end of the day.

Perks of living in England.

I also managed to notice that Nico wasn't participating as much in class as he used to. He didn't answer one question and didn't let anyone sit beside him. Beforehand, I noticed that a few girls had asked to sit beside him but he shrugged them off too. What happened to him?

He was in a good mood earlier today. What changed?

I hear the bell ring out loud and watch as the rest of the class packs up to go. Flynn isn't in the same French class as me so I begin to leave the room when I overhear the teacher saying something. "Nico, can you wait here for a few minutes so we can have a little chat."

He groans in frustration and slumps back down in his chair. I don't want to eavesdrop on their conversation so I find my way to the French classroom.

When I enter, I spot a familiar face, Xander's face. He already had a girl sitting beside him so I look for another seat. I recognise her as Vanessa. I spot one near the front and sit there. There's no one beside me thankfully. I don't know if anyone wants to sit beside me anyways. Especially after that fight video got released.

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