Chapter 63: Cuddles

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In retrospect... Bodi could've reverted into goo and split before reaching his current point. But something told him he didn't want to risk angering the locals, more so than they were now anyway. The cave extended further than he'd anticipated. The tunnels went on and twisted for miles. As he continued along, they started to pound on the walls and clap their hands together in an attempt to put together a musical number just for Bodi. A song of the dammed, they called it. He'd read about this: Panthorians were remarkably similar to Vikings: barbaric, fiercely independent, and unafraid of danger. An Omeocoon like Bodi was considered a plaything for them. It was a wonder the Panthorians helped the tribe at all. The train led to a large cavern lit by candlelight and torches.

"Cuddles, house of no one! Royal bloodline, we bring you an offering!" The female Panthorian announced as she trotted in, carrying Bodi like a ragdoll under one of her arms. The crowd cheered as they entered a manifestation of thick webbing that lined the walls and ceiling. In a way, the pattern was woven nicely, and attention was delicately placed into its construction. 'Cuddles' was the leader, no doubt. He seemed to radiate authority to these people, even though they appeared to lack a proper command structure. "Ah, very well! And what have you brought me today?" The voice deep inside the cavern questioned. "A nosy Omeocoon who wants to 'claim' one of us." The noise started again. "I see. Did you tell him what happens to Omeocoon, who ventured too far into the caves looking for a pet?" The voice inquired, "Eat him!" The crowd chanted; without a second thought, they'd sentenced him to death, with no trial or anything. Bodi screamed as he was thrown like a football into Cuddles' web. Where he stuck like a fly... well... in a web.

He struggled right away. But this method of restraint was surprisingly sticky and relatively resistant to shapeshifting... of all the ways to die. "Oh, you're a pink one! Don't see many pink ones around here." The bunny-like creature observed from the shadows before he descended from a higher point on the web. He quickly traveled the web, crawling on it slowly and patiently. Bodi felt the anxiety... maybe he should've just gotten a bird or a fish. Because looking at his assailant now, perhaps he would've been better off with something smaller. Cuddles was large, and his fur was primarily yellow, but his outfit contrasted it with pink and black. Like the others, his collar seemed to function as a name tag; his loincloth reminded Bodi a little of Russell.

The main difference between Cuddles and the others was that he possessed an arm sleeve. Such a trait was rare and very unusual for an unbonded Panthorian to possess. The 'sleeves' are created by their Omeocoon owners, enabling weapons formation and stretching. They are notoriously difficult to come by because they must be earned. After 55 seconds of interactions with him, he was already a mystery. Without owner now, but was at one point owned... Cuddles suddenly leaned over and nipped Bodi unexpectedly while he was in his train of thought. "Ah!" Bodi screamed, jerking back; he nearly jumped out of his skin. It wasn't so much the pain of the bite as much as it was the surprise. Bodi could not rub his hand because he was still restrained by webbing. "Why would you do that?!" Bodi yelled, his voice cracked. "Because I could," Cuddles replied, shrugging as if he'd done nothing wrong. The crowd up-roared at that.

"Are you ready to die?" Cuddles asked with a wide smile. His hands became eager, grabby claws as he moved closer to Bodi; he lifted one of Bodi's arms and brought it closer to his face, his mouth drooling saliva onto Bodi's features; he came closer to devouring the gooey bunny without remorse. Bodi panicked, and they seemed to take pleasure in seeing him squirm. They chanted Cuddles' name again as he prepared to take his victim. "No! I don't want to die! Please, I just wanted a friend! You can't kill me, I'm the Chancellor! I'm the Chancellor!" Cuddles halted suddenly. His eyes widened in surprise as the words left Bodi's mouth. "What did you say?" Cuddles asked quickly. He blinked, completely stunned by what he'd just heard, his vicious attitude suddenly becoming more hospitable. "Put him down!" Cuddles ordered immediately after crawling away from Bodi. They stopped chanting, and the others instantly separated him from the web. They did it gently. Some people in the audience groaned in disappointment. They wanted the bloodshed.

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