Heaven's Going to Break

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Emily held Charlie's hands close to her chest as she frowned. Charlie could tell she knew more than they did and she was about to ask what was wrong but Emily was already explaining.

"It's about Lucifer, it's not good." She started and Charlie looked scared, if she could go any paler she would, her legs wobbling as Vaggie helped her sit down on the couch next to Alastor. Alastor looked on edge, staring at Emily. He stood up feeling adrenaline coursing through his weakened body, staring at the small seraphim infront of him.

Black tendrils shot out and grabbed Emily, his body growing in size as he growled. "WhErE iS hE!?" He tightened his grip in her as she whimpered from the pain. "Pa! Stop it!" Charlie yelled at him and he turned his gaze to the girl who would... or would have become his step daughter. He growled at Emily, letting her go. Vaggie rushed over and held the small seraphim, who rubbed the bruises Alastor left behind.

Charlie looked at Alastor who was angry, hurt and scared, she knew he just scared about losing Lucifer. "Pa... sit down..." Charlie said and gently pulled him back down as he grumbled and held his side.

"Lucifer was promised a trial but Sera says he won't get one. When I pressed for more information she says that he's crossed the line to many times and needs to be punished. He doesn't get his judgement day, they are going to kill Lucifer." Emily said worried as Vaggie stared in-shock as Emily frowned, her eyes glued to the ground.

"So his day of judgment was bullshit? Go figure." A voice rang behind Emily, her eyes widening as she turned around and saw Adam there, a demon now but still Adam. "How's my favorite seraphim doing?" He said smirking and lifting a brow and Emily felt tears weld up. "Adam!" She flew into his arms hugging him tight, her face in his shoulder as he rubbed her back a little. "Hey kiddo... I've missed you too..." he squeezed her tighter and rubbed her head a little. Emily was like a daughter to him, so getting to see her again meant so much.

"Oh I'm so happy it works both ways!" Emily cried and Adam looked confused at her, the whole room staring at Emily. "What do you mean both ways?" Adam asked and Emily smiled happily as she turned to face everyone.

"Sir Pentious got redeemed!" She exclaimed and Charlie's eyes started sparkling. "What! Yes! Yes yes yes!" She said so excited hearing that her plan was actually working, tears rolled down her face as she realized her whole plan wasn't for nothing, that this wasn't just another dead end plan, that souls can be redeemed.

"Oh thank fuck... oh fuck...!" She panted heavily as she looked over at Emily and started talking. "B-But back to my dad! What- why are they executing him! He hasn't done anything!" She said as she ran her fingers through her messy stressed hair. Emily frowned and looked at her. "They are saying... because he went to earth it broke the first contract Hell and Heaven had. But... Sera doesn't want him around anymore... says he's a mistake, a tarnish on there holy records." Emily felt disgusted saying these words as she hugged Adam's arm.

Alastor looked visibly paler, the guilt building up in him as he dropped his head in his hands, antlers growing larger as his eyes turned to dials. Charlie whipped around and saw the state Alastor was in and she immediately ran and hugged him tight, putting her head on his back. "Pa, it's not your fault, it's not your fault!" She said as she hugged him tightly and felt him shake. He was so made at himself for thinking he could get away with one day of peace with Lucifer on earth. He just wanted to make the day special for them and instead he lost the man he loved.

"Charlotte, I'm sorry." Alastor said in a scratchy broken radio voice, his emotions were high and self hatred started filling his body, the tight grip on his hair as he pulled it, Charlie trying to stop him from pulling his hair out as she frowned, Vaggie trying to help.

"Psh, hey radio head!" Adam yelled and got Alastor to glare at him as Adam pulled his guitar axe out. "You want your little angel back? Well let's go get him." He said and Alastor stared at him for awhile, his eyes returning to normal as he suddenly stood up, walking straight up to Adam.

"It's a suicide mission." Alastor stated.

"Yeah, it is. But if he's gonna die atleast you'll be dead together." Adam said and Alastor thought it was... oddly romantic to die by Lucifer's side. He held his hand out and Adam grasped it. "Oh fuck no! You two are not breaking into heaven!" Vaggie yelled and the other attendants popped in after hearing all the screaming and yelling.

"Well... would it really be breaking in if I... let you in?" Emily said nervously and they all stared at her in shock at that statement.

Adam frowned as he approached her, kneeling down as he looked into those periwinkle eyes. "Em... you could fall for this." He said worried and a little fear flashed across her face at the thought of it but she nodded her head. "I know, but if I fall for doing the right thing... Heaven is a lie." She said and Adam pulled her in for a hug, stroking her hair a little before nodding to her.

Charlie couldn't believe this, they were really breaking in to save her dad. She hated it but at the same time... Heaven wanted a fight. Well they were gonna get one.

"Alright, everyone start prepping! Cherri I need new bombs, Angel get your guns, Husk I need you to be the jack of all trades! And Nifty," The one eyed little demon looked up at her and Charlie smiled.


Lucifer waited in his room, he was told his trail was going to start the next day but nothing was happening. He'd been sitting in his room for days, he was bored out of his mind. At this point he ate his body weight in food, mainly of banana pudding.

There was a knock on his cell door, and he looked over as the head seraphim, Sera came in. He looked at his sister, frowning a little but still angry at this situation. "Hey Sera, how's it-"

She held her hand up and silenced him as she sat down. "It brings me no pleasure to do this Lucifer, so I will not do small talk to delay the inevitable." She stated and he huffed looking away from her, leaning against the wall as he waited for her to talk.

"You are being charged with letting hell start an uprising against Heaven, the death of the first man, entering the mortal world and for hiding your hell spawn." She stated and Lucifer looked confused, his eyes glaring at his sister.


"Language!" She stated as she closed her folder. "They didn't start an uprising, my daughter defended her hotel which I found out was directly targeted even though you said you'd never allow harm to come to my daughter!" Lucifer yelled angry, his horns barely growing out from his forehead as the cuffs kept his demonic power down but he was so made his demonic energy pushed against the restraints.

"Adam died from a sinner's hands! Not mine! No where in our contract does it say a sinner can't kill an angel!" Lucifer gritted his teeth, he knew he was on earth but technically... he was pulled there against his will.

"I didn't go to the mortal world willingly, a demon summoned me there and pulled me through a portal! So I spent the day there, yeah! You were just mad I'd see what free will could really do to humans. Let them choose to love and be happy, create amazing things! The entire place was filled with so much energy and hope, and sure there are going to be a few bad apples in the bunch! But it's better than up controlling them!"

Lucifer said and glared. "You've know about Charlie for centuries now, I never hid her." He said and Sera sighed as she stood up and walked over, her finger pointing to his stomach.

"I'm talking about... the new one."

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