The Devil's Love

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Lucifer woke up before Alastor, watching his lover sleep soundly in bed as he reached over and slowly twirled his finger around the males cute deer ear. Slowly, he leaned down and kissed Alastor's forehead, smiling as he got a sleepy noise in response.

He knew that his lover would be wiped out today, so he'd go and bring them breakfast. Well, they both did sleep in and it was well past breakfast. Brunch than. Lucifer slowly slipped from the bed and slipped his house robe on and slippers, taking one last look at his sleepy lover, warm filling his one angelic heart.

He walked into the elevator, going down to the kitchen, but when he reached the first floor his ears were met with music. He looked around and walked to the entertainment room which held the bar and the main hub for everyone to hang out.

Lucifer felt himself smiling at the sight of Adam playing his guitar and singing while Vaggie and Charlie  danced to the music. One thing about Adam was his voice was nothing short of Angelic when he sang.

'I don't mind if the world spins faster~ the musics louder~ the waves get stronger~!'

Charlie really seemed to be enjoying herself with Vaggie, their feet moving along with each other and laughing happily. They spun around each other and their dance moves changed with the different beats of the music. Charlie even joined Adam in singing, lifting Vaggie in her arms as the ex-exorcist held onto her with a purely happy smile.

'I'll take you to a better place~ yahooo~! And baby you can love me on the way~'

Adam's voice carried over the room, Husk even was nodding his head while cleaning out a martini glass and pouring Angel Dusk a drink. "You know, for ex-leader... he's got some pretty good pipes." Husk commented to Angel who shrugged and nodded leaning on the bar top as he sipped his pink martini.

Lucifer slowly made his way towards the kitchen as he watched the pleasant display unfold, seeing Adam slowly being accepted by the residents of the hotel. It warmed his heart seeing his first friend finally learning he didn't need to be The First Man, but just Adam. And Adam seemed to be thriving in a place where no one kissed his ass or swooned constantly over him. He could finally discover himself.

He was still an arrogant prick but he was working on himself and it showed.

Lucifer finally made it to the kitchen and immediately opened up the fridge and pulled out a platter of venison that he saved for Alastor. He began to cook it and season it, while making some eggs and hash browns. Does... toast go good with deer? Maybe. Yeah fuck it.

He prepared the breakfast and made his way back to their room, he'd join the others later after making sure Alastor was doing okay. He leaned against the elevator wall humming softly. He can't remember the last time he'd been this happy. His cheeks reddened some as the doors opened and he stepped off and headed to the Radio Towers door. He was about to use his elbow to open the door but the door opened and he was greeted with Alastor's Shadow looking at him excitedly.

"Haha, good morning Al." He kissed the shadows cheek, stepping into the room listening as the door softly clicked close. He placed the tray of food on the bed, slowly sliding over and watching as Alastor slept so calmly, his arms wrapped around the pillow Lucifer was sleeping on previous.

The King reached over and slowly pushed some hair from his face and watched as Alastor slowly opened his eyes, looking up at Lucifer with a sleepy smile. "Mmmm... good morning." He said softly, getting a soft laugh from Lucifer. "It's the afternoon actually." He kissed Alastor's head as he held the coffee out to him.

The Radio Demon laid on his side, propping himself up with his elbow, slowly drinking the coffee. He hummed, enjoying the way his lover made it. "Mmm, thank you..." Alastor was clearly still tired but he looked content which made Lucifer extremely happy. He pulled the tray closer to Alastor, the deer finally realizing there was more than just coffee. "You spoil me~" He purred kissing his lovers lips slowly, fingers brushing against Lucifer's cheek before he pulled back.

Alastor was hesitant to sit up at first but after slowly moving he was only a little sore. The massage given to him last night definitely helped a lot. Lucifer watched his lover eat and he smiled.

"I'm gonna go shower, join me when you're done?" Lucifer said and kissed his cheek, Alastor nodding while having a mouth full of meat. The blonde walked towards the bathroom, Alastor's eyes following him and smiling fondly at the male. He looked around at what his lover did for him and leaned back against the head board, sheets resting on his waist as hummed remaining naked.

After awhile Alastor and Lucifer emerged from the elevator and walked to the entertainment room and Lucifer wasn't to surprised to still see them signing, what he was surprised to see was Charlie and Adam having a heart to heart while Angel and Husk where singing their own little song, Niffty dancing on the bar top.

Vaggie was replacing the flowers in Sir Pentious memorial, she stood there for a moment before saluting honoring his sacrifice before turning to Charlie and running to sit next to her.

Lucifer headed with Alastor to the bar, feeling his lovers hand resting on the small of his back. He knew Alastor didn't like a lot of physical contact in public so even the small hand on his back made him extremely happy. Husk saw them and was prepping their usual drinks sliding a cup of rye and a red wine for the two who gladly grabbed their drinks.

Alastor's ears twitched and picked up bits and pieces of Charlie and Adam's conversation. "I wanna make it back to her so... do you genuinely believe this stupid- I mean, this idea will work?" Adam looked at Charlie a bit worried to give himself any sort of hope.

"Absolutely! Isn't god all about forgiving? If you work your hardest to redeem yourself god is bound to forgive you right!" She said full of hope and Adam thought about what she said. "I... see your point." He looked intrigued by the idea. Lucifer was a bit confused about who he wanted to get back too.

Eve was in hell as the orginal sinner, the most powerful one but she luckily she didn't do much unless provoked. Lilith was in heaven but after there big fight last time he doubted Adam wanted to still be with Lilith especially after all these years. Maybe he met another soul in heaven and had a family.

That idea made Lucifer sad that Adam was taken from this but... he needed to learn. And he clearly looked like he did. Fuck, he even was participating in the activities Charlie planned. Some he didn't but most he did.

Lucifer leaned a bit on Alastor who kept rubbing his back and sipping his drink. After a while of just enjoying each other's company Charlie jumped on them. "Dad! Pa! Uncle Adams gonna teach me about some of the human music! There's this band called Queen but it's all guys and oohhh I'm so excited~!" Her eyes practically looked like they were gonna pop out of her head while Lucifer was still processing Charlie calling both of them dad.

"Charlie... why'd you call Alastor Pa?" He said confused and Charlie giggled, shrugging. "You two are always together, you guys are basically married." She said and laughed a bit and Lucifer chuckled a slightly.

"I don't think marriage is in my cards anymore, kiddo."

Alastor felt like a knife hit his heart, his grip on his rye got tighter, hearing the glass crack a little as he eased up and went back to looking normal. Lucifer looked at him confused, titling his head to the side curiously.

"Forgetful me~! I forgot some errands I must go check on some delightful souls that made a deal with me~! Ha ha! I shall see you all tonight~!" He said and smiled at Lucifer who smiled back before he sank into the shadows escaping the entertainment room as quickly as he could, appearing in the far corner of the garden that he knew was secluded. He sank to the ground, eyes wide as he pulled the ring from his pocket.

He tensed up hearing foot steps, seeing Charlie enter the garden walking towards the roses she planted. She looked over seeing Alastor looking distressed and looked at ring in his hand and she understood. "Oh Alastor..." She quickly walked over and hugged the deer who hugged her back, his smile faltering as he gripped her shirt, burying his face in her shoulder.

"Alastor... I never thought you'd be the guy to want to... marry..." She said, Alastor sighing as he pulled back.

"I didn't think I wanted to either..."

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