The Eternal Fire Prepared For The Devil

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Lucifer stood their glaring at his brother, Michael, who didn't seem pleased at all to be seeing Lucifer. He flew to the ground, both staring at each other, the air was charged with tension, Alastor remaining behind Lucifer who stared straight ahead.

"You're forcing my hand, I hope you know this." The Archangel Michael said, glaring down the King of Hell. Michael had the same body type, facial features and even colored cheeks as Lucifer. Only difference was he was his hair and the color of his cheeks. While Lucifer's were red, Michaels were blue, and his hair was longer than Lucifer's resting on his shoulders, more gentle curls framing his face. They were identical otherwise.

Alastor knew better than to say anything in this moment, glaring at Michael who finally noticed Alastor. "Who's this?" The blue eyed man said which made Lucifer spread his wings hiding as much of Alastor as he could. "No one of interest to you!" He growled, horns growing as he took his Demon King form, Michael looking unimpressed.

"Fine, I'm only here for you anyways." He suddenly reached back, pulling out a bow and arrow, angelic light glowing off of it as he pointed the arrow at Lucifer who lunged forward and grabbed Michaels arm throwing him as far away as he could. "Don't toy with me, brother!" He yelled, bending his knees before sending himself forward as fast as he could, catching up to where he threw the blonde and slammed his fist down. A large echo of the slam could be heard for miles, trees falling down.

All Alastor could see was streaks of blue and red moving across the ground before he watched them take to the sky. "You've gotten sloppy!" Lucifer laughed, dragging Michael through the air and throwing him down. "And you've become an arrogant fool!" Lucifer watched as Michael smirked, a gold chain going past Lucifer's head as he looked back and watched the chain pull forward what looked like a giant heavy cement ball, slamming into Lucifer's head.

He growled, feeling one of his horns crack from the impact. "Oh how the mighty Prince has fallen~" Michael sneered and that just made Lucifer laugh. "Hahahaha! Last I checked, I'm A kInG~!" Lucifer spoke, clashing with his older brother in the sky, every time they collided sparks of purple came off them.

Alastor watched them fight, looking around as he felt someone else was here too, his tendrils wiping around him as his antlers sprouting, watching the tree line for anyone coming his way. He felt tense, on edge, like something else was going to happen. He wiped around though as the two angels hit the ground, Lucifer's hands wrapped around Michael's throat as he squeezed.

Michael gasped, the sounds of wind desperately seeking his lungs as he claws at Lucifer's arms. Lucifer grinned a devilish look, satisfied he had finally out witted his brother. Suddenly Michael's face turned from that of desperation to one of a smirk. Lucifer blinked confused before seeing the golden chain go past him, he turned his head and suddenly pulling out of the darkness, was Gabriel.

It was so sudden, so fast, Lucifer or Alastor had no time to react. Gabriel's holy fist slammed into Lucifer's face, throwing him far away from Michael who coughed and was helped up by his holy brother. Alastor felt rage watching his beloved get throw across the ground like a small rock in the ground.

Gabriel was taller than all of them, pure muscle that one with a brain just as big. His eyes a violet purple with tan skin and curly brown hair tied back into a half up half down style. He truly played the 'Guardian Angel' role well.

Alastor's tendrils lashed out, wrapping around Gabriel's waist and through him back into the forest, the trees he slammed into breaking in the process.

"Alastor stop!" Lucifer's voice rang out as he stood up. "Do not get involved!" He yelled, spitting his golden blood out of his mouth. Alastor's eyes widened seeing Lucifer was bleeding. These two... were on another level entirely. Lucifer suddenly dashed towards Alastor, his claws out and jumped over the deer demon. Gabriel was behind Alastor, fist raised with holy light brass knuckles. Lucifer dug his claws into Gabriel's shoulder and threw him to the ground, before Michael slammed into his side, pushing him harder into the tree which slowly cracked under the pressure.

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