Set The World On Fire

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Lucifer was enjoying his day on earth, partaking in all events he found enjoyable, feasting on the food provided and even getting all to partake as well. They were walking down French Street, hand in hand, looking at all the local shops, some even still up from when Alastor was alive which made him very cheery.

"Alastor... this has been the most amazing day, and it's not even lunch time yet! You're amazing!" He looked so excited, eyes sparkling, practically about to pop out of his head as Alastor smiled down at his small partner. "I'm pleased to hear you're having such a good time, my darling~" Alastor smiles fondly at his blonde partner who is happily swinging their arms together as they made their way down the street.

"Can we go on that steam boat we saw earlier!" Lucifer said all starry eyed and Alastor nodded, taking the lead as they made their way to the pier, the boat actually just pulling up to drop people off from the tour of the bayou. The next tour was in thirty minutes which gave Alastor time to buy tickets and grab them a quick bite to eat.

"Ducky, open~"Alastor commanded and Lucifer listened immediately smelling the sweet item Alastor help. Alastor placed a Beignet in Lucifer's mouth, watching the Demon Kings eyes go wide as he munched happily. "Mmm~! So good~!" Lucifer was enjoying all this delicious human cuisine that he could not wait to tell Charlie about when they got home. Lucifer opened his mouth again, wanting Alastor to feed him more delicious Beignets. And Alastor did.

He would feed Lucifer and then enjoy one himself watching as their snack soon disappeared which left a pouty king. "Don't worry dear, there is more food to try later~!" Alastor said happily which made Lucifer excited. They walked closer to the boat still having lots of time before it took off so they sat on a bench. Alastor looked over and saw Lucifer smiling at the sky, staring at it.

Alastor decided to look up and the sky was clear, minus a few photogenic clouds, the afternoon was blissful. He felt the pressure of Lucifer laying his head on his shoulder, squeezing his hand and clutching his arm. Alastor felt warmth flood his face and chest, staring softly at his partner who lovingly looked at the sky. The sky that Lucifer helped create. Seeing it's beautiful blue with such pleasant people made him feel at peace with his inner turmoil that haunted him for over several millennia's.

They both sat there in tranquil peace before the sound of the steam boats whistle blew, alerting got the next tour. Alastor stood up, gently pulling Lucifer with him as they walked to the boat, allowing Lucifer to step on first as the small man smiled big. He ran to the front of the boat and gripped the railing smiling as he looked down at the water, seeing small aquatic life swim around in the green water. Alastor approached him, leaning against the railing seeing Lucifer smiling at the water.

"What are you thinking ducky~?" The Radio Demon asked and Lucifer chuckled as he looked at his lover. "How with one good push, someone could go over board! Whoopie~!" He leaned over the railing with his arms out, Alastor's hand immediately grabbing Lucifer's belt as the king didn't seem to have a care in the world. "Awe you worried I'll go overboard~" Lucifer teased and Alastor raised a brow at him, pointing at the water.

Two blinking eyes stared at Lucifer, scales covered its body as if blended almost perfectly in the water. "There is a reason my darling, why there are no swimming signs posted around~" Alastor purred as Lucifer looked closer before a growl came from the water.

"Oh my god a swamp puppy!" He said excited and Alastor blinked. "Ducky, that's an alligator and it wants you to be its next snack." Alastor leaned in whispering into his ear, Lucifer gasping softly with a whine and blush.

"And I'm the only one allowed to devour you~" Alastor stated, moving to cage Lucifer against the railing, the small blonde feeling his face heating up more as he turned around to look up at Alastor, hands cupping his face softly rubbing his cheek. Alastor felt the world go quiet around them as he leaned in and softly kissed his lovers lips, moving their mouths together in sync as Lucifer hummed, moving his hands to softly feel his boyfriends face, his fingers twirled Alastor's hair around his fingers as they shared sweet kisses.

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