She swallows hard, her fingers lingering on the ring as if trying to grasp onto the memories it holds. "She must have taken it off my mother."

I take Mina's hand gently in mine, savouring the warmth of her touch as I slide the ring onto the finger next to her ring finger. Her skin is soft and smooth beneath my fingertips.

As the ring settles into place, I can't help but admire the way it complements her features.

"Well, consider it yours now," I murmur.

"But—why would she give this to me... and now?" Mina questions, her gaze fixed on the ring now adorning her hand.

I shrug nonchalantly. "Siastra and your mother were quite close. There was a time when she might have wanted to keep it for herself. But she decided otherwise."

"I'm surprised you accepted the gift for me," Mina breathes as she leans back against the headboard.

I chuckle softly, leaning in closer to her as I reach for the box, the sound of its click echoing in the quiet room as I close it and place it on the nearby drawer. "I almost tossed it away, but my curiosity won out in the end."

Mina snorts softly, her head leaning into mine as she relaxes against me, her brown hair lighter in the soft afternoon light filtering through the window. "My mother should have attended this wedding," she murmurs wistfully, a trace of sadness colouring her words.

As we settle into a comfortable silence, the book beside Mina slips from the bed with a soft thud, its pages fluttering open as it lands on the floor.

With a resigned sigh, Mina shifts slightly, reaching out to retrieve it, her fingers tracing over the worn pages as she tries to find her place once more.

"Your mother looked a lot like you," I remark, my gaze softening as I rake my fingers through her soft hair.

Mina's reaction is immediate. She sits up straighter, her eyes narrowing slightly as she regards me with curiosity. "You've never seen a picture of her," she counters.

"I stumbled upon it while digging for details about you," I confess. It was during the investigation into the assassination attempt on me that I stumbled upon the photo, a chance glimpse into Mina's past.

Mina lips purse together in a tight line. "Is there anything you don't know about me?"

"I didn't know she was dead," I reply.

Her features slightly dampen. In response, I reach out to gently lift her chin, guiding her lips to meet mine in a tender kiss.

"But, I must confess," I murmur against her lips, pulling back slightly to meet her green eyes, "I've uncovered quite a bit about you. But there's always more to discover, isn't there?"

Mina's hand rests lightly on my chest, a touch that sends a ripple of warmth through me. "It looks like none of our fathers are making it to this wedding, either."

I can't help but chuckle softly at the irony of the situation. "There's always Noah to bring you down the aisle," I offer lightly.

For a moment, Mina appears to consider the idea, her expression thoughtful as she mulls it over. "I think I would like that," she finally admits.

My heart skips a beat at her response, and I immediately sit up, feeling a surge of protectiveness wash over me. "I was teasing you—" I start to protest, but Mina cuts me off before I can finish.

"Well, it was a good idea," she says with a reassuring pat on my shoulder, her movements fluid as she slips her legs out from under the warm covers.

Suddenly, the bed feels colder without her presence, and I can't help but feel a pang of longing as my eyes trace the curve of her bare legs.

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