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The full moon hangs low in the sky, shadowing Elias's face into a deathly pallor. We don't know what will happen tonight, and things could go terribly wrong, but amidst that, I take his hand in mine.

I notice his features soften just a fraction, and it lifts a heavy weight off my heart to make his at least lighter.

Elias's eyes glide over my dress, the same one he complimented earlier. It's a deep, velvety black, embracing every contour of my body. His earlier promise to worship me in this very garment sends a delicious shiver dancing up my spine.

Dressed in his own ensemble of black, Elias's tie mirrors the vibrant green lining of my dress with a subtle elegance.

"Are you okay?" His voice breaks through the moment, drawing my attention back to the present.

The others have yet to join us, leaving only Elias and me in attendance, with Noah concealed beneath the building's foundation in the labyrinth of sewers below. I turn to face Elias, taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of his features before offering a grave nod in response.

Beneath our feet, the faint strains of music weave through the air, emanating from within the building.

Yet, there's an unsettling vibe lurking beneath the song, a discordant undertone that echoes in the empty, snowy expanse enveloping us as we stand outside the sleek black car.

The snowflakes delicately kiss my cheeks, finding purchase in the strands of Elias's blonde hair. "They'll search me indefinitely," he darkly says, staring ahead, "for weapons." He turns to me. "But I don't want you to worry when it happens."

Of course, they'll search him, expecting to find weapons or signs of danger. But what they fail to realise is that Elias doesn't rely solely on physical arms for combat. I try to remind myself it's all a part of the plan, but I still worry.

We don't know what will happen tonight, but I know this ball has another purpose, but we have to outsmart Atticus this time.

The words spill from my lips as I confess, "If you get ... hurt. I'd shoot every last person at that pompous ball to bring you back to me."

Elias's response comes softly, a gentle reassurance amidst the storm raging within me. "Ever since we started sharing the same bed, you've started to sound a lot like me."

I scoff, attempting to mask the tremor in my voice as I playfully nudge his shoulder. In that moment, I drink in the melody of his laughter, savouring it like a precious elixir against the uncertainty that looms before us.

Then the doors open in front of us and Elias strides forward, leading the way past the stoic guards stationed at the entrance.

Despite the outward beauty of the surroundings, a sense of unease lingers in the cold air. The grass grows wild but it's as if nature itself recoils from what happens here.

I feel the weight of the guards' eyes upon us, their gaze piercing through the frigid night. There's a vacancy in their stares, yet the scars etched into their skin makes me look down at my feet.

Elias barely acknowledges their presence, his focus fixed on the path ahead as we move deeper into the heart of the gathering.

To say the least, the ballroom is packed to the brim, a swirling mass of bodies and murmured conversations that threaten to overwhelm the senses.

I scan the throng, searching for Sol's familiar figure amidst the sea of faces.

A silent understanding passes between Elias and me as I gravely nod in acknowledgment of our plan to split up, each of us determined to navigate the labyrinth of the ballroom in search of her.

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