§§Chapter 8§§

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Few minutes before the ending of the meeting I left my class. I wanted to be sure I would get to see Sampson before the hallways became crowdy. I didn't see him though till after the meeting was over. About 15 minutes later when my parents were ready to go, I met up with him after he had seen his elder sister off. She came on behalf of his parents and had to leave immediately due to her job as a surgeon in one of the private hospitals in Calabar. When I met up with him he ignored me as I tried to talk to him. So I just silently followed him. He led me to my parents who were discussing with some of my teachers. When they were done they turned and Sampson saluted Mom properly!!! Mom nodded in acknowledgement "Agent Bassey." "Major" "Meet me later. We need to talk." "Ofcourse Major" I was confused. Since when did Sampson know my mother? And more importantly why did she call him 'Agent'?? Mom glanced at me as I went forward and hugged her "Mum thank you for coming" then I hugged Dad "Dad thank you too". Dad gave me a billion dollar smile "You should come with us. We need to talk" Suddenly Opeyemi Matthews came around and saluted "Major, Sir" they both nodded in acknowledgement. Then she turned to Sampson and saluted  "Agent" "Intern". Then she turned and smiled warmly at me while I just stood there looking confused. Then Mom looked at her and Sampson "Intern how have you and Bassey been taking care of my daughter" They looked at each other and replied almost immediately "Very well Major. There hasn't been any cause for alarm" Mom smiled wickedly 😼"Oh really??" And they looked sort of afraid "You know what?? We" she gestured "We shouldn't be discussing this sort of things here." Then she looked at us "Get into the cars"

Sampson, Ope and I took a different car as we left the school and drove far far away. Ope called her guardians in the car and told them she'll be home late "As if I care if you like don't come back at all". Said her Aunty. I felt so so bad for her as I saw her slump her shoulders and plug in her earpiece    vi🗑️to some sad music. Sampson was about to do the same when I held his hand. "Sam please let's talk" "I am so not interested in talking to you" "Sampson please Im sorry" He looked at me "Well most times 'sorry' is never enough" "How can I make it up to you??" "Firstly let go of my hand" I did "Secondly leave me alone" I reheld his hand. "Sam please...." He ignored me and continued chatting on his Whatsapp. I felt very very bad. God please help me.

We got in and drove to Success Villa. Mom's men had had a group go there earlier and book the whole upstairs so we quietly walked in. Mom and Dad say across the 3 of us and asked for some drinks. Soon after a waiter served us some nonalcoholic blue wine in tall glasses. After the men had confirmed that it was safe for Mom and Dad to drink. We sat quietly drinking. Till Mom said "Sampson Bassey, Opeyemi Matthews" They sat upright as Mom paused to sip her drink. "I put my daughter under your care didn't I??" "Yes Major. You did." "I am not that annoyed at the intern but you Sampson you have been with my daughter for soooo long and still you have no idea of what goes on??" There was silence till he said "Major I have done everything within my capabilities to keep Karma safe" Mom narrowed her eyes at him "Really???" "Yes really Major it really isn't my fault if she refuses to let me in on what's going on" Mom snapped as she and Sampson rose. From the corner of my eyes I could see guns pointed at him to finish him off as Mom walked back and forth with her glass of wine in hand trying to control her anger "You dare talk to me in that manner Sampson??" He bowed his head as he realised his mistake. Then she signalled the guns to be lowered and her to get a refill as she and subsequently Sampson sat. "Are you aware of the current threats to Karma's life??" "I have no idea whatsoever Madam. I'm sorry" Her jaw ticked as she tried to push back her anger again and sip some more wine. Then Father spoke

"How hard can it be to monitor the life of your best friend?? How hard is it hmm?? How come you have once again proven yourself to be incompetent" "With all dues respects Sir it is not my fault if Karma doesn't let me in on what's going on. She is not a child that can be forced to reel out her issues besides I wasn't told to spy on her that's a whole different thing" Mom's eyes glanced at me briefly "Well Thank God I didn't tell you anything. And don't you dare say it was for my protection. You are not trustworthy at all." "Sincerely Karma I have no intention whatsoever to become trustworthy in your eyes you're just another parenting mistake" He said as he eyes landed on Dad "And Sir between me and you who is more incompetent?? And Major do you think I haven't put in the effort? Do you?? It's just that she's a case and I'm not ready to deal with it"

Mom sprung up and pointed her gun at him. That's when I noticed that both Mom and Dad's men had pointed guns at him. Dad sat quietly smirking and sipping his wine while I on the other hand feared that Mom would kill him. "One more word from you and I'll deliver you prematurely to your final resting place." "But why?? because I said the truth??" "Major" Ope said "please let's go about this amicably please. And Agent please give the Major the respect she deserves please." Mom looked at her somewhat endearingly before she calmed and sat "Who exactly are you mad at cos I know very well that it can't be me" He also calmed and sat "You're right Major it isn't you I'm mad at. The person I'm mad at is the person who thinks she can lash out at everyone when she's frustrated. And that person Major isn't you." He turned to me then back to Mom "Major I have a request to make" Mom signalled him to go ahead "I sincerely apologize Major for my unwise words but please please let me resign from my duty to your daughter Miss Shin-nae Nae. Please let the intern take my place." She looked at him and said "Very well then you can switch work requirements with the intern. Alex will help you fill in the documents. As you know the exams are coming so you will get some backup since I understand that you need a shift in the normal schedule" They kept mute as Sam and Ope stared at Mom attentively and Mom stared at them tiredly before she sighed and said "That will be all. FOR NOW. You may leave" "Thank you Major" both him and Ope said as they rose and left.

Immediately they walked out the door I started "Mother I can explain" She looked at me and said sharply "I Don't. Want. To Hear It" as she stood and marched out with her men. I left my seat to make it closer to Dad "Dad......" He hugged me "I just don't know how I got into all this" He shifted from me "Don't lie to yourself Karma" "I don't get it. What did I do??" "When you're angry you're unnecessary rude. Especially to Sampson and he's done a lot for you" "Dad I should be the one that's mad not Sampson. He lied to me well he didn't tell me he wasn't an agent and all that but still I should be hurt." "But you're not because you know that he was part of the fulfilment of your Mother's promise to protect you and you know it. You're all she's got" I pondered on what he said "Then why is she so angry??" "That's for you to figure out" We sat in silence as we asked for refills and sipped some more blue wine "Why are you guys not as close" He stared in space "I left when I was supposed to stay and came back when I was no longer needed. And I know that I can't make it up to her but at least you get to see me" "But why?? Why did you leave her??" "It's simple- I'm unreliable. Something time and effort hasn't succeeded in fixing."

My head hurt as I got to Helen's house. Surprisingly Mom was there filling Helen in on what happened. When Helen saw me she gave me a sign saying we'll talk later. I nodded as I greeted my elders and made my way to my room. What kept playing in my mind was "You know......... You're all she's got."
What exactly did that mean?? It bothered me as I tossed and turned all night just trying to get some sleep.

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