§§Chapter 3§§

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✓✓✓Shin-nae Nae's POV
THAT very night I walked into boys' room. ThankGod was asleep but Divinefavour was up struggling with some General Science Questions he was given for homework. As he saw me come in he greeted "Miss Shin-nae Nae Good Evening" "Good evening Divine. How are you??" "Not so good. I'm struggling with some General Science Questions." As I came closer he shifted for me to share his space on the bed. I began "If I help you will you help me". He smiled "Why not? Wetin you want??" There was a pause. "I been wan ask you if you or any of your other siblings don see my mama before." He looked at me sadly "Your Mama don come this house 2 times but the thing be say anytime she come you no go dey house. Your mama name na Mrs Mi-Young and she na very very nice woman. She sound like you and she look like you. Also your Mama whenever she come she go bring us many many chocolates and fruits. But em this last time wey your mama come she been give me something else. That thing na book." He stood and searched his drawers then when he found it he gave it to me. It was a murder mystery book. "It's very very interesting". He said and I nodded but then again why would my mother give him this book of all books? "Do you normally read murder mysteries??" "No. This was my first and I loved it. It was based in Korea." I nodded. "Did she give you or your siblings anything else??" He nodded "She gave me  badges for ThankGod. Badges for bravery, peacekeeping, etc, etc. Then she gave Miracle a coloring book. It's all about hotels, estates and lots of businesses. It seems boring to me but Miracle loves anything that involves watercolors so I guess it's alright." I paused to breathe. "Why did my mother give you these things??" "Your mother always comes in with lots of people. They survey the area before she enters, they taste food before she eats and they go around calling her 'Major', 'Major'. If you come close to her someone will appear in black and black from no where and grunt at you. At a point it out me annoyed so I asked "Mrs Mi-Young you are Miss Shin-nae Nae's Mother right?". She nodded then I continued "What do you and her father do that people follow you everywhere dressed in all black??" She smiled and signalled a man to come and she handed those things to her. She gave me mine and ThankGod's and said "For me" then she gave Miracle hers and said "For her father". I wanted to ask her more questions but Mommy sent us to our rooms. She was red with anger and embarrassment. So that's all I know."  "When last was she here??" I breathed. "Like 3 years ago I guess" "It's alright. Thank you. Now let's have your book and finish this assignment so that you can go to bed". After completing the assignment he thanked me, we prayed and wished each other good night then I left the room, turned off the light and slightly closed the door.

After all that I got to my room and called Sampson.
The rest of the gang were cool but it was Sampson that went the extra mile and you could say he gets me more than the rest so that's why I called him. We were in this together.
"Sammy howfa?? How you area??"
"My gee I dey. I been wan sip garri. You na??"
"I dey guy. I been wan also sip garri oh  but before that I gat something to tell you"
"I hope say na juicy gist"
"Dey play you sef when you go give me gist"
"I no get na"
"You everytime I no get. When you go get na??"
"Aunty rest. Oya talk Wetin you wan talk"
"Mtchew I no get your time. Annnywayyy Sam.........
I think my mom's a cop and my dad a big time business guy"
"How come??"
I told him all Divinefavour had told me
"The last time she was here was like about 3 years ago" He said in thought.
"But I don't get why wouldn't she want me to see her?? Does she hate me or something like that??" I said in-between tears.
"Shin-nae Nae relax. It may not be as deep as that okay so breathe we'll get through this okay?"
I was about to reply when Helen called "Shin-nae Nae parlour now"
I shoved my phone into my pocket without ending the call and came to the parlour.

"Helen I'm so sorry if my call had disturbed you." She looked at me. Their were dark circles under her eyes and you could see her drained but I didn't know what exactly was draining her since Gabriel had left with all his debt and we were pretty much okay but then again since Gabriel left she has spent her time draining herself in coffee and working from home full time but it didn't seem to be working so she became slightly on edge, easily irritated and sore. Her whole life seemed to have been shaken. I guess she just missed Gabriel. I mean she never took the ring off. But we weren't that close so I wouldn't dare to ask.
My eyes followed her as she left the hallways back to her dining stool as she gulped down steaming hot coffee.
"It's not that" she said massaging her shoulders "But as you know you no suppose to dey make call by this time. E no good" "Abeck no vex na one time thing e no go happen again" she nodded accepting my apology "Annnywayyy your Mother called" I sat to listen. "As you know your Mother and I have been in touch since when you were born. So she called but this time she has a message for you. Now after I tell you this don't ask me anything just have a drink and think about it. Okay?" I nodded. "Your Mother has decided that in the coming days she would come down to Nigeria with your Father to see you. When she comes she'll answer all your questions" I stared at her then nodded as I stood and began leaving. "Thank you" I whispered and kept walking away. "One more thing." I stopped but didn't turn or head back. "Your Mother wants to know if she can contact you" "Sure." I nodded as the tears slipped. "Goodnight Helen." "Good night"

As I reached my room I sat on my bed and removed my phone. The call hd ended but I didn't know what he had heard. Did my mother really see me as a bother that she left me here all alone and now all of a sudden she decided to come visiting? The tears slipped. A part of me wanted to see my mother but another part of me was just uneasy. I just let the tears flow and cried myself to sleep. What hurt was that I wasn't given a date but somehow it was better that way so that I wouldn't get disappointed. I hoped that with time even if she didn't show up I would forget about her.

•×•×•The Next Day•×•×•
Sampson and I talked at length in school and he encouraged me to have faith in my mother and let her come and when she eventually comes I should hear her out before making my final judgements. I sighed. How would I tell him that I didn't think my mother was coming. I shut my mouth and followed Blikisu and Esphine to get some snacks.
"You and Sampson are extremely close nowadays" began Esphine
"He's cool. That's all"
"Tell us what we don't know"
I smiled "Esphine I no get time for love" Bilkisu highfived me and they began quarrelling about how love na scam and things like that. I smiled.
Never ever will there be a time when I would look at Sampson like that. He was just my confidant and the second person I run to in times of trouble. Nothing more and definitely nothing less. As Esphine chatted away on her phone and Blikisu was getting us some popcorn I let out a prayer
"Father Good Morning.
I'm so so sorry for not praying today. It's just that I feel down. It seems my mother whom I've been wanting to see all my life is coming soon. But I'm not sure I want to see her.
Father whatever turn things are gonna take please always stand by me and be with me. Give me inner strength and help me to do only what's right. Father I'm surrounded by people yet I'm alone but I know say I no dey alone because you dey here with me." I breathed "All I'm asking is that things will work out fine and I'll be smiling at the end. That is all. Thank you because I know that you are more than capable.
Thank you Lord and be thou exalted in Jesus' Most Glorious Name I Pray,
Amen. "

That was all I said and I went about my whole day. I felt freer and happier. And
Thank God for that.

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