§§Chapter 7§§

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✓✓✓ Shin-nae Nae's POV
TODAY was the day for the PTA. I was soooo ready for it. And I hadn't told anyone about my parents coming just in case so there was nothing to bother about.
I made my way to the dining as I ate slowly. When I was done I decided to stay back a while and watch some Tiktok. Helen wasn't home neither were the kids so I didn't have any unwanted voices disturbing me. Just then I got an interception on my earpiece "Shin-nae Nae" "Sergeant Aura Good morning" "You've got to leave that house now" "What? Why??"
Suddenly I heard a sound like that of a missle. I saw it pass by the window glass and the burglary proof. I grabbed my bag and phone and ducked. It hit the wall at the other side of the parlour and exploded. I was so afraid but I got up and tried to made it to the door. "Shin-nae Nae are you there??" "Yes Sergeant Aura a missile just blew up here and I'm at the door. It's refusing to open." "I want you to breathe ok? Lily Meng and her men will pull down the door and get you out just don't make a sound" I nodded "Ok" I got down by the side of the door and started counting my breaths. NEPA had taken the light and the house was pretty dim. Again I felt so so afraid. In minutes my door was kicked down and I saw an off uniform military personnel walk in and salute me. I smiled at her weakly "Are you alright??" I nodded "Yes I need to get to school." She nodded "Alex Wu Tang will take you." I nodded and stepped outside. I was about to get into the car when I saw Lily Meng's men walk in to assess the remains of the missile. I looked over to Lily Meng who was now outside the house and within the compound. She was talking to my Mom on hologram. "Lieutenant Lily Meng" "Major" she saluted "What is the situation there??" She kept mute. "Speak!" "They tried to kill her" Mom sighed in irritation. "And where the hell is Sergeant Aura huh?? Isn't she supposed to be in charge of my daughter's security??" Lieutenant Lily breathed and said "Major she isn't here right now" "Who exactly were here when you came Lieutenant?" "Major there was no one here" She banged a table "Major please relax I promise you I will get to the end of this" "No I will personally end all this. You just wait." Just then Sergeant Alex Wu Tang came in as he removed his gloves. And saluted "Major, we have successfully dissected the missile" He kept mute and Mom got irritated "Do you think I have all day??" "Sorry Major like I said we have successfully dissected the missile. And it was particularly programmed for her. They want her dead." Mom calmed "Knowing the syndicates that can't be all. What's in it??" "You're right Major it isn't empty. There's a message it says 'We won't stop till you're dead. Beware!" It's rewritten all over the missile in different languages." "So they don't want to kill her yet. They want to scare her" Mom thought aloud and sighed. "Very well then. Can I trust you Lieutenant with my daughter." "I will do my best Major" She stared at her for at least a minute "Very well then I will speak with both of you later. Carry on" They saluted and ended the holographic transmission. Then Lily looked at me and immediately I got into the car. Soon after Alex Wu joined me and we drove off.

During the ride I kept glancing at Alex repeatedly not knowing how to ask him the question on my mind but nevertheless I asked him anyways "Alex" he turned "Sorry Sergeant Alex why does my mother look so pale" "She hasn't slept or eaten since yesterday morning. It's expected" "Why what's wrong??" "The General wants her back as soon as possible" "I don't get it. Is she the only military personnel in the whole of Korea?? Why is it that she is not allowed to spend just a little bit of time off work? Why?? Is this her reward for fighting for her nation? Hmmm??" He looked at me. "The Major feels the same way too even though she'll never say it. But she's doing everything she can to extend her time here with you for as long as possible knowing fully well that she'll have to go back and she may not return home the same way she went or at all. It's all part of her job." He said the last parts quietly for them to sink in. I felt my cheeks as the tears spilled. "Do you think that she'll make it to my PTA meeting today??" "Knowing her she will even if it's the last thing she'll do. Have a little faith in your mother" I nodded as I leaned my head on the car's glass.

At school, area was dry. Staffs were arranging for the meeting and parents were not just coming. Majority were seated. I looked over to the field where the meeting was arranged to hold. A wave of disappointment washed over me. I knew this feeling. It came every year so I gathered myself to walk back into my class. Sampson followed me. As we took turns around the old worn out hallways he said "Let's go buy ourselves drinks" I nodded in disagreement "Shin-nae Nae" "I'm okay. Please don't ask me if I'm fine" "Okay but at least let's buy ourselves drinks na" "You no dey understand when person dey give you sign?? Guy Abeck leave me alone" "Wetin be your own na? Why you come dey vex with me?? I offend you?" "Wetin dey pain me be say I trusted that woman like Why? I for no believe am.i no even sabi who she be" "Na your mama you dey talk about??" "Who else?? That woman get sugary mouth. She go confuse you with her words. Now after I don believe am finish she no even show up. Meeting don start. Like now eh even if she come aswear she go collect. Her mind go dey" "How many times will she tell you before you believe. She is your mother and she is coming. Plus the meeting hasn't even started yet." "I sabi say you Sampson you go defend her but I no get your strength to argue so Guy rest". He jumped down the hall and began walking back to the plaza. Okay so maybe I had offended him. I jumped down too and followed him. When we got him by the plaza I grabbed his arm to talk to him when the gate opened to reveal a convoy. There was only one person I knew who could come in with such an amount of security and no it wasn't some of my schoolmates' rich parents. It was hopefully my mom. And that was confirmed when I saw Lieutenant Xing Fu salute my Mother as she came down. But she wasn't alone there was also a guy with her. My father perhaps?? I didn't know.

Just then I saw Abby Ibe pass by with her gang when one of her girls said "Abby look those are that girl's parents." "Which girl??" Abby spat "Shin-nae Nae" the other girl Doria said and the girls snickered. Abby's eyes instantly showed fear "Her Her parents are a military personnel and a highly connected business tycoon??" "Hmm" The girls nodded as she swallowed. When she turned and saw me she went pale and avoided eye contact as she left the plaza. My eyes remained glued to my parents being welcomed by Ma Bursar the proprietress of my school. Then Sampson removed my hand from his arm. He went in to buy his drink and stepped out. Mom and dad were now being guided by the Proprietress and Principal to their seats. I smiled for the very first time today. When Sampson came out and moved in straight towards the hallways I followed him trying to figure out how to apologize to him. As we passed by the fields I heard "Our dear parents please settle down. The meeting is about to begin" I looked at the time it's few minutes to 10:00 am and if I was correct the meeting was to be at 10:00 am. So Sampson was right Mom wasn't late at all. I suddenly felt sick. Now I owed both Sampson and Mom an apology. I looked up. Sampson had gone ahead and even though I ran up I couldn't see him again so I adly  retired to my class.

A part of me feared what both Mom and Sampson's angry sides will look like. This would be my first time experiencing them. And now they're happening together due to my foolish mistakes.*Sigh* 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
God please help me.

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