Chapter 23: Ending The Past

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Claire: Are you okay now?

Blue: Mostly I might have to rest a bit more

Mia: Make sure you do get your rest, because rest is important. Right Rosey?

Rose: Ya

Mia: Yeah!

Ethan: Haha, anyways. Blue, you should know by now that you can't go onto missions for a while

Blue: I'm sorry.....but what?

Mia: Ethan is right, Blue. You are getting your full rest

Eveline: And we are reminding you because we all know that you would still go

Blue: Good point, but I'm sure that Chris would let me-!

Chris: No

Blue: Dammit!

Leon: Come on, you can allow him, right?

Chris: No, he will be staying at home, and he will not be coming with us for at least a month

Blue: A month?!

Jake: It's for your own good, kid

Rebecca: We know you're strong, but you just woke up

Blue: Awww

Donna: Look at the positives, me and you can spend time with each other even more

Blue: I-I guess that's a plus. But I'm all about the action!

Donna: T-There is something we could do together that requires action

Blue: Really? What's that?

Jill: O-Oh

Eveline: W-W-What?! Are you suggesting that?!

Chris: Oh Good Christ

Ethan: Well....that's surprising

Mia: Blue is so close to becoming a man....

Angie: Yes Donna! Although I still think you can do better than him

Blue: I don't get it

Leon: Me neither

Helena: I expected Blue to be confused, but not you Leon

Leon: What? Am I supposed to know?

Helena: You should with how love struck you get when Ada is about

Leon: Hey!

Rebecca: It's the truuuuuth!

Donna: So....are you up for it?

Blue: I....Ummm-

Sheva: Hello everyone, I have brought Ashle-

Sheva walks in, but Ashley runs past her while looking around frantically.

Ashley: Where is he?!

Sheva: Right here, Ashley, I told you

Blue: A-Ashley?

Ashley: Bluuuuuuuuuue!

Ashley pushes past everyone and engulfs me in a big hug, her face was buried in my chest before her eyes look up to mine.

Ashley: You're okay!

Blue: Y....Yes I am, Ashley. Thank you for worrying.....but are you okay? You seemed....a bit mad

Ashley: I'm fine now that you're okay!

Blue: G....Good to know

Donna: Does....she also like Blue?

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