Chapter 6: Alcina Dimitrscu

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Chapter 6: Alcina Dimitrscu

While one Winters Brother was exploring the Village and about to enter a castle, the other and older brother, Ethan Winters had finally woken up from being knocked out.

Ethan: W-Where am I?

He looks around and saw that he was in a small room with a table, he was sat on a chair and opposite him on another chair was Chris Redfield.

Ethan: Chris?!

Chris: Ethan.......

Ethan: What the hell is going on?! Why did you shoot Mia?! Where is Blue?! Where is my Daugh-!

Chris: Just let me talk Ethan, that wasn't Mia

Ethan: What? What do you mean that wasn't Mia?

Chris: It was someone else, Mia has been taken somewhere and we are trying to find out where she is. That woman was Mother Miranda and she is a dangerous woman, she wants to use Rose but we don't know why.

Ethan: And that's why you shot her.....

Chris: Yes because it wasn't her, we wanted to take you somewhere safe so we transported you back to base. Unfortunately, the convoy with both Blue and Rose was struck and now I don't know what happened to the both of them

Ethan: We have to find them!

Chris: We have, Helena recently communicated with Blue and we know he is at the village Miranda has taken over. All the residents have been killed except for one, a woman named Elena.

Ethan: Blue saved her?

Chris: He did

Ethan: Hah, that sounds like he doesn't know what's going on?

Chris: No, you know now but we need to find him, he is dealing with great threats

Ethan: Yeah, and I need to save Rose

Chris: Are you sure you want to come?

Ethan: I have to, my family is out there and I can't have Blue fight by himself. Who else is coming?

Chris: Jill, Leon, Jake and Rebecca

Ethan: Good, then I'm coming.

Chris: Fine, but before we go, I need you to explain to me.....what Blue is

Ethan: What? What are you talking about?

Chris: Nevermind, let's go

Chris didn't want to continue talking about what Blue is, he knows that he isn't the average human. There is something off about him, it's like he is a smaller version of the Nemesis.

Chris always wondered if Blue was perhaps an Umbrella Experiment, however, that theory was discarded after he did some digging and didn't find anything related to Blue being something like that. He was left confused after that, what was he?

He was like Jake but the difference was that he didn't know his origin story, not even Blue knew who he was. But Chris has an idea, the only ones who would've known what Blue is was the mysterious C.O.R.E.

They dragged Blue to their base with Ashley as bait, they know him and who he was before Ethan found him. Now he will make sure he knows who he is by discovering the truth, or maybe Blue will be the one to find out who he is, it makes sense after all.

Blue's POV

I had escaped Mother Miranda and the other Lords, I was now going to find Rose in this castle. Yes she may not he there but it's a start, like I said, I'll fight anyone that comes in my way just to save my little niece.

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