Chapter 1: Military Training

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Blue: O-Ow

Leon: Had enough?

Blue: Give me a moment and I'll be good

A year has passed since the Baker Incident and I was now 18, still deep in the training, honestly it was so nice because me and Ethan have been getting close with the others.

However, I've noticed that Chris has been watching me, it was like he was sceptical or something. I wanted to ask him but I don't think he would want to talk about it.

Rebecca: Rest is over Blue

Jake: Yeah, want to continue or do you want to see if your marksmanship has improved?

Blue: Ooo, guns? Yes please!

Ethan: Blue!

Claire: A-A bit enthusiastic huh?

Blue: I's fun?

Leon: No no, he has got a point, let's go kiddo.

We went to the shooting range where Jill and Sheva were, Jill throws me a 1911 which I catch and I immediately start to shoot at the targets. After I was done, I could hear Leon whistle.

Jill: Not bad kid, you improved a lot.

Ashley: I know right?

Blue: Well of course, it's been a year

Helena: True but never be arrogant like Kennedy over here

Leon: Hey!

Claire: It's the truth, you can be arrogant and then drop a cheesy one liner

Leon: Hey, my liners are great!

Claire: Oh yeah sure "Something tells me, he's not a cop".

Blue: Personally, I like the Bingo one

Leon: Thank you!

Rebecca: I wonder what else he will say when we are on the next mission?

Jake: Hope it's something stupid so we can make fun out of him for it

Ashley: That's a bit mean

Leon: I will-!

Blue: Hey so since I'm of age, can know, do it?

Leon: Do what?!

Jill: Woah kid, I don't think you're ready for that

Claire: Yeah that is too soon for you!

Rebecca: You need to find someone first

Blue: Aww so you mean I can't go with you?

Helena: Wait....go with us? Like a mission?

Blue: a mission, what did you think I was talking about?

Everyone: Oh my God, I can't believe we just thought of that

Sheva: Idiots.....

Ashley: Aww he is so innocent!

Jake: More like thick headed

Ethan: Now I see why you never talked to girls at school.....

Blue: I talked to almost no one at school.....seriously, what were you all thinking about?

Everyone: Nothing!

Blue:......Sooooo....about the-

Chris: No, you cannot go with us Blue

Blue: Oh come on!

Chris: It's my final decision, you have only just begun training, you're not fully capable and I don't think Ethan would let you

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