Chapter 15: The Factory

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Chapter 15: The Factory

Ethan: Finally, you're back, dealt with our stalker?

Blue: Yeah, just a Lycan, almost bit my face off so I introduced him to the ground.....they were getting along

Ethan: I can imagine, now let's go, that Heisenberg guy opened the gates and basically is inviting us to come in

Blue: Ooo, I do hope he has the tea and biscuits ready for us

Eveline:......I miss eating cookies

Blue: If I can somehow feed you, I will

Eveline: Thank you Blue

Blue: No problem, now let's go bash in some skulls and get that flask!

Eveline: Right after when you gave that talk huh?

Blue: What talk?

Eveline: You tell me! Mr "Not every solution has to lead to one of us stabbing the other!"

Blue: I don't know who that man is, but I will find him and I will make him give me a fiver for the ice cream store

Eveline: I swear, you're going to be the death of me, Ethan and everyone else!

Blue: Oh I can just imagine the kill streak! Mothership, here I come!

Ethan:......At least he is having fun

We walk through the main gates but saw something placed on a holder, I slowly moved towards it and saw was the last flask. I grabbed it and saw it was the Torso of Rose, Ethan comes closer and couldn't believe it, then we look at each other in disbelief.

Blue: So.....we won?

Ethan: I-I think so

Eveline: Great, let's leave

Heisenberg: You can leave if you want, but we need to talk

Blue: Is he on the speakers?

Ethan: Yeah

Heisenberg: I know you can hear me, just put the flask in and......join me in my lovely home. We have some things to discuss, don't worry, I don't want to fight, I have no quarrel.

Blue: What do you want to do?

Ethan: Personally, I want to ignore him

Blue: Yeah same, but I kind of want to hear what he says

Ethan: Okay, but do you believe he won't try anything?

Blue: If he does, I'll deck him in the schnoze

Ethan: You......really like to do that, don't you?

Blue: Ye

Eveline: Idiot -_-

I go back and place the last flask in its holder before rejoining Ethan, we approach the factory and enter through a door that opens up. We go inside and looked above us to see zombies being carried on some sort of conveyor.

Blue: Damn, that's not ominous at all

Ethan: What the hell is he doing here?

Blue: Experiments and that

Eveline: You should move on, that Heisenberg guy doesn't like to wait

Blue: Yeah he don't, so let's go and meet him, face to face

We take the next door and go down the stairs, then we take a left at the bottom of the stairs and follow the corridor around, emerging in a room with some Chem Fluid on a desk. We head to the right side of the room and saw a cloth draped over the desk at the edge of the room.

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