Chapter 7: Showing Mercy

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Chapter 7: Showing Mercy

I had successfully distracted Cassandra and ran away, I left the castle and entered the courtyard, the three sisters aren't gonna follow me here, I hope at least but I know that Alcina Dimitrscu will hunt me down.

Unfortunatly, I was indeed right and hid in a bush when I saw her enter the courtyard from another door.

Blue: Crap.....

Eveline: Don't move

Blue: I know!

Alcina: I can smell you boy

Blue: ._.

I didn't dare move, if I did, I would be dead, would it be on the spot? Will I be tortured and drained of my blood?

I didn't even want to know so I stayed absolutely still, I couldn't see where Alcina was but I could feel her presence, she moved around and called for me in a teasing tone.

Alcina: Come out wherever you are~ I promise I won't bite you....too hard~

She lingered around the bushes but the Holy Author was on my side because I heard her leave and close the door. I sigh and get out but then-

Alcina: There you are!

Blue: Oh snap!

She grabbed me by the throat and smirked while I struggled in her grasp.

Alcina: So you thought you could escape me, hmm? Blue Winters?

Blue: W-Would you be surprised if I said yes?

Alcina: No

She was going to stab me with her claw hands but I thought smartly and kicked at her stomach, she dropped me and was surprised that I had the strength but then she tries to stab me. I back off and quickly raised my left arm and shot my grapplehook to the rooftops.

Blue: Sayonara!

Alcina: Get back here!

Eveline: Finally you used that

Blue: I know right?

I landed on the rooftops of the castle and decided to stay up there for a bit, I could see that the biggest spire can be climbed so I did just that.

Eveline: H-Hey! Are you insane! What if you fall you dummy?

Blue: Awww, worried about me now?

Eveline: [Blushes] N-No! I might die as well!

Blue: And is that true or are you making things up?

Eveline: I-I don't know...j-just...don't fall

Blue: Don't worry, I got this

I finally reached the top of the spire and placed both of my feet on the tip, I was now overlooking the whole village while I felt the cold wind breeze past me. Around the village, all I could see was snow and trees, but just in the far distance.

I could see a small town but it would take a normal person at least a day to get to. In the village, I could see a factory, it looked abandoned but I knew it was occupied by Heisenberg, he can control metals after all.

There was a lake with some wooden house nearby, that fish boi might be living there, I would be surprised if he wasn't. I could also see a small house near a cliff side.

That means Miss Donna Beneviento lives there, it looks like a nice house! I wonder what's inside?

Blue: I wonder what Donna looks like?

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