Chapter 12: Journey to Moreau's Lab

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Chapter 12: Journey to Moreau's Lab

I had left the Beneviento house and was now making my way back to the centre, but on the way, I was attacked by another big boy. He looked like he was the guardian of this area so I got ready to scrap with him, he had a big hammer but I had a bigger one.....

Mah fist!

The creature lifts its hammer and slams it down towards me, I dodge it and climb the weapon before punching it in the face, it was knocked back and looked surprised, not expecting my power.

I'm still confused on why I was stronger than the average human but I'm convinced that I will get my answer soon enough.

Eveline: Don't you think that you might be an experiment? From Umbrella maybe?

Blue: You know, I thought about it, and it might be the case. But then there is CORE, I don't know who they are, but they knew something

Eveline: Too bad you killed the leader

Blue: Yeah, kind of a dumb part on me, he knew something and I decided to kill him. Oh well, you win some, you lose some

The monster got back up and was ready grab its hammer but I had other plans, I took out my Franchi and blasted his knees open. He falls to the ground and I jump on his torso, unloading 4 more shells into his skull because he had a durable head.

I move on and entered the village again, I didn't go after the third Lord just yet, instead I went to Duke so that I can potentially get some information about Moreau. Because if I have to go through what Donna and Angie made me go through.....

Then I'm never going to emotionally recover from this experience.

Duke: Ah, Mr Winters! You're back from the Beneviento house, alive and almost unscathed

Blue: Yeah but I'm going to need therapy, you wouldn't happen to offer sessions now?

Duke: Unfortunately not, I do have more shells for your shotgun, I heard the blasts from all the way here

Blue: Yeah, ran into some trouble after getting the flask

Duke: And did you spare Miss Beneviento and her doll?

Blue: Yeah, how did you know?

Duke: I had a feeling you would

Eveline: Of course he did.....

Blue: Well, like I said, I'm not a killer, but....just don't push me.

Duke: Someone is bound to do that, now, I can sell you some ammo, but I also have something for you. A number.

Blue: A number? You mean a phone number?

Duke: Exactly, a group of people came here not too long ago and one of them gave me this number for you, here you go

The Duke passes me a slip of paper with a number on it, I quickly buy some ammo and receive advice on how to deal with Moreau, Duke tells me to either spare him like I've been doing or kill him with a high damging gun which I have.

Meant that it was easier said than done, I thank him and take out my phone before entering the mysterious number. Then I stepped a few meters away and rang the number, I placed my phone close to my ear and waited before eventually, someone picked up.

Blue: Hello?

Elena: Hello? Blue, it's me! Elena!

Blue: Elena? How did you get my number?

Elena: Someone gave it to me, someone you know

Blue: Is his name Ethan?

Elena: Yes, how do you know?

The Other Winters [Male OC x RE Harem]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora