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We made it onto the deck and the boat had became even more unstable. People were boarding lifeboats and the ice Icesis made was breaking.

"What are you doing with my Piquemen?!"Pique yelled at me

"Giving them a swimming lesson."I said as I dropped the piquemen clones into the ocean.

"UGH!"Pique exclaimed "Crypto, Jink, take this boat down."He said

"Guys! The boat is going down, there's no stopping it, just focus on saving people not on lifeboats!"I yelled to the rest of the group.

Seaweed and other types of greenery from the ocean floor started ripping through the boat. I rushed screaming people off of the boat and shoved them into a nearby lifeboat.

"Hey! There isn't enough room!"An angry man said

"I don't care, shut up and scout over!"I said

I flew back onto the boat and something just told me to check the lower decks. I started running for the stairs down.

"Sha- Spirit where are you going? The ship is going down."Sky said as he landed next to me.

"There might be people down there, I don't want to leave anyone behind."I said

"What's going on why are you guys standing here?"Scout asked

"I'm going to check the lower decks."I said

"Oh uhh okay, be quick."Scout said

"I will."I said as I started walking down the stairs.

I checked every floor thoroughly. I passed by a few people who were already rushing to the deck. The ship was already flooding; I ran into a hallway that had water rushing through it. A young girl was floating on top of the rushing water screaming. What irresponsible parent would leave their child? I flew towards the girl and swooped her up. I wasn't fast enough to beat the water and it came rushing in on us. I tried my best to put her closer to the surface of the water as I flew out of the hallway.

We made it out of the lower part of the boat and I patted her back in case any water was in her lungs. Two hovercrafts were above the boat, one I've never seen before and then Saylor,Scout, and Icesis's hovercraft. The unidentified hovercraft tried to shoot at ours, but it's like it had some type of shield over it that deflected it. The boat was basically empty except for unconscious piquemen clones, and the rest of my team. I placed the child in a random lifeboat feeling bad that she might not meet back up with her family.

The boat was officially going down, never thought I'd experience the titanic in real life. I flew back over to my team who were waiting under our hovercraft. A ramp started descending from our hovercraft, as the unidentified hovercraft shot away into the sky.

"Did you find anyone?"Sky asked

"Yeah, a young girl, but I put her on a lifeboat, so we should be good to go."I said as something came to my mind, "Hey Quinn, where's Quantum?"I asked

"Uhhh..."Quinn looked around embarrassed.

"Quinn are you serious?!"Icesis said

"Guys the hovercraft is waiting-"Scout said as he started walking onto the hovercraft.

"Icesis it's not her fault-"I tried to help, but Icesis interrupted me.

"Then who's fault is it, she was supposed to watching him and she let him go."Icesis said "Ugh, this is another reason why I don't want you on missions."She said

I looked over at Quinn and could tell she was holding back tears.

"Icesis, cool it. The hovercraft isn't going to be here for long, and not to mention we're standing on a sinking ship."Saylor said as they boarded the hovercraft.

We all boarded the hovercraft to see Abel in the pilot seat.

"Well isn't it my favorite superheroes, how'd it go?"Abel asked

"It went pretty good, don't know if it's necessarily a win, all of them got away."Kennedy said

"I mean I did throw the rest of the piquemen overboard, so I think Pique is out of our hair for a while too."I said "We probably won't hear from Pique in a while, my dad doesn't really like when people don't do what they're assigned to do."I said

"What do you mean by that?"Issac asked

"Well one example would be when I was six I wanted a clown for my birthday, that wasn't very black of me, but that's neither here nor there."I said "Clown comes late, when he gets there my dad punched him, steals his car, and sells it then uses the money to take me to Disneyland."I said

"Oh that's- okay! New topic."Abel said

"Soo Shawn, how long did say we have until we enter a supernatural war?"Luke asked casually

"It was three weeks, but probably about two weeks now."I said

"Abel, what exactly are we going to do about that?"Kennedy asked

"Well I've already contacted some other heroes and or vigilantes to be ready, we kind of just have to wait and hope."Abel said "That's what we did last time."He said

"About last time, would you say we won?"Sky asked

"Yes and no, because this is still an issue now."Abel said "If it wasn't an issue still then I would say we won,except for losing people of course."He said

After that we all just sat in silence for a while. Just a time to debrief everything that's happening. Abel saying that made me curious, I wonder how many possibilities there are that we win. I inhaled and exhaled and looked for the possibility that I wanted. I didn't see it fully because some parts were blocked out and some were in flashes. There was only possibility, and didn't look the best. Usually whenever stuff is blocked out that means something bad is going to happen.

I wonder what things will be like when we get home. I wonder how my dad is doing, he must be distraught, but majority of this is his fault. I wonder if he ever regrets it, if he didn't before then he definitely does now. Basically losing your family over choices that you made, must be sad.

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