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The next morning I woke up next to Kennedy. I peeked out the window to see that we had arrived in the Bahamas. I looked at my phone to see the time and it was already almost noon. I got a weird message from someone. It wasn't a text message, but almost like a direct message to my phone. I opened it.

"Wakey Wakey Shawn, whenever you and Kenendy wake up head over to my cabin. I have something for you guys."

It was from Quinn. I shook Kennedy lightly, but he didn't budge. I shook him harder, still nothing. "Kennedy."I said as I shook him again, and still nothing. I slapped his chest and yelled his name, "Kennedy!"I yelled

His eyes shot open and his body jolted. He rubbed his chest and as he looked at me. "Yeah?"He said hoarsely.

"Get up, we need to get ready and head over to Quinn's cabin."I said as I slid out of bed.

"You can go by yourself, I'm just gonna rest my eyes..."Kennedy said as he covered himself with the blanket.

"Mrs girl."I said

No response. I ripped the blanket off of him and pushed him out the bed. He hit the ground with a thud. When he rose his eyes were fiery red as if they were about to shoot lasers, maybe because they were. The silence was very scary.

"No thanks."I yelped as I rose my forcefield

Kennedy rolled his eyes and his eyes returned to normal. "Your no fun."He said

I brought down my forcefield and we got dressed for the day. We walked out of our room and made our way to Quinn's. We knocked twice and waited for her to open the door. She peeked through the door and then opened it fully.

"Took you guys long enough."Quinn said

"Blame him not me."I said

"Well you also didn't open my message until noon and I sent it at six o'clock."She said with a smirk

"Sooo what did you need us for?"Kennedy asked

Quinn reached in her drawer and pulled out two wristbands. One was blue and white and the other was black with a skull in the middle. She tossed them to us.

"Now what?"I asked

"You put it on genius."Quinn said

"Oh!"I said

"Oh you're lucky you're pretty."Kennedy said as he already had the wristband on.

I slapped his stomach. "Excuse you, I am very smart."I said as I put the wristband on. "Sometimes..."I mumbled

"Now put your thumb print in and say your name."Quinn said

I pressed my right thumb against the wristband and spoke. "Keyshawn Davis."I said

"Kennedy Michaels."Kennedy said into the wristband. The wristband made a very specific noise after we said our names. A mix between a mockingbird and a cheap ring tone.

"Your last name is Michaels?"I asked

"Yep, it'll be yours soon too."Kennedy smirked

I fake gagged and smiled.

"Y'all make me want to throw up, repeat your names into the wristbands."Quinn said

We did so and suddenly my body started to feel weird. I felt something wrapping around my skin. It was my suit. It even added my visor.

"Woah that's awesome, thanks Quinn!"Kennedy smiled

"Also, Abel was smart for adding your vitals,temp, and all that so I added it to the rest of the suits."Quinn said

"And you did that all last night? Dang! thank you so much Quinn."I said as I gave her a hug.

"Of course, now go have fun, we'll deal with the minions and Pique later."Quinn smiled

We deactivated our suits and left her room. We walked down the hall and made our way to the long pathway off the boat. We walked onto land and it was beautiful. We didn't even both to wonder where the others were.

"Where too first?"I asked

"Let's go to the beach and just relax."Kennedy said

"Sounds great."I smiled

We walked towards the beach and grabbed some fun snacks. I ate the interesting popsicle as we made our way to the beach area. We went to the empty side of the beach and just sat down.

"You know this is what I always imagined my life to be like."I said

"Really?"He asked

"Yeah..."I said

I watched the water wash up onto the sand making a pretty color mixing with the sand. The sun wasn't hot like back home, it was actually comforting. The breeze felt amazing against my skin.

"Hm, why so?"He asked

"Don't get me wrong, but I never imagined to be a superhero saving lives, I always imagine myself being somewhere relaxing with the person I love."I smiled

He smiled. "Yeah I never imagined myself being a superhero either, I also kind of imagined myself with the person I love too."He said

It was silent for a while, before I spoke up. "Hey Ken, what's your dream life if you weren't a superhero?"

"You know we can still achieve our dream lives right?"He said "This is just a bump in the road,"He said "But it would be in a nice home, maybe two kids, away from superhero business, a good job, and hopefully I'll be married to you."He said

I smiled and gave him a kiss. "I didn't know you wanted kids."I said

"Yeah, I've always wanted kids, but with being gay I don't know how possible that can be..."He said

"Well anything is possible, plus adoption is also a great option."I said

"Yeah I know, just don't know if this is the life I want my kids to follow after."He said

"Yeah..."I said "How do you think things are gonna go...like with Pique...Vixen...My dad."I said

"You're the psychic."He said

"I know, I know, but I'm not always right and I'm scared."I said

"Don't be, whatever happens, happens."He said

"That's true, I just don't want to lose you...or anyone else,"I said as I looked Kennedy in the eyes.

"You won't."

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