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The next day we were trying to figure out what to do with Sky1. We've figured out how to get him in and out of the handcuffs as well. But I did make a discovery, we can't keep him here because Mr.Tom isn't feeling right about it. I've also been notified that Sky1 and Luke have been talking a lot. So I decided to gather everyone in the living room while Mr.Tom was out.

"I just wanted to go ahead and address the issue," I said

"That is?"Kennedy said

"What the hell are we going to do with Sky1?"I asked

Everyone sat quietly for a while until I spoke up. "We can't keep him here without a plan," I said

"Why not?"Luke asked

"Because this plan wasn't the best idea, it was a spur of the moment and we didn't have any idea what we were gonna do with him once he got her," I said

"He has a point."Kennedy agreed

"Well, he can't just go back onto the streets?!"Luke said

"Why not...?" Kennedy asked while being one hundred percent serious.

I slapped his arm making him pull his arm back. "Now we don't want to just throw him out now," I said

"Well If I am thrown out onto the streets they will find me and will most likely have my memory scanned and then wiped then stripped down of my personality and then I will be reprogrammed to kill all three of you." Sky1 said, "But that's what would happen if I was to be thrown out right this second but if I was to get thrown out like a week from now I will be killed."He said

"Oh well we don't want that to happen, but Sky1 I would like to connect with you for a minute."I said "Why haven't you tried to run again? You've had plenty of time."I said

Sky1 looked down then looked back up. "I-I've found the right side."He said

Me, Kennedy, and Luke's eyebrows rose instantly. Did he just say that? Luke is very charming, but damn did he convert him that fast?

"Luke, how many times did you shock him?"Kennedy said which made us laugh even Sky1.

"He didn't, he's just a really good talker," Sky1 said

"Thank you"Luke smiled

"You're welcome," Sky1 said

"Oh my god that's so cute," I said

"Isn't it?"Kennedy said

Luke rolled his eyes and proceeded to speak. "I was thinking of two things if you two are okay with it," Luke said, Sky1 had made a face whenever Luke said two.

"Go ahead," Kennedy said

"I was thinking maybe one Sky1 could stay at my house to kind of give your dad a breather?"Luke asked

"Sure," Kennedy said

"I knew about that one but what about the second thing," Sky1 said

A smile curved across Luke's face. "I was thinking Sky1 could become a hero like us," Luke said

Sky1 had sat up immediately with a look of disbelief on his face.

"I think that would be lovely," I said as I smile also grew on my face. "What about you Ken?"I asked

Kennedy let out a small laugh that grew into a smile. "I also think that would be nice."He said

"Woah now I didn't agree to become a hero?!"Sky1 said

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