When Life Happens (4)

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Avni ate in silence while Neil drove them to home. Reaching home, Neil made his way to their bedroom while Shweta fed Avni some more home-cooked food even after she told her that she had eaten on their way back. She also figured that Shweta hadn't asked Neil to pick her up, because Shweta herself was surprised when they came back together. 

What was he even thinking? Why would he do that? 

Neil was sprawled up on the sofa when Avni entered the room & sat on the bed. She was tired & wanted to sleep like a baby without any worry in the world. 

N - Mehta? - he called out slowly as he turned to look at her. 

A - Hm? - she asked back as she looked back at him. 

N - Um, I wanted to apologise. - he said while looking at her intently in the dimly lit room, however, Avni could feel her heart picking up speed. What I said in the library yesterday about you being afraid of love, I should not have said that. I just wanted to rile you up & uttered nonsense which I had no business to speak about. Mehta, I know for a fact that it has been tough for you after your father & I just, ended up scratching that wound. I..I don't know what was I thinking & there is no explanation I can give that will undo the fact that I was a jerk to you. So, I am sorry! I should have been more thoughtful. And, I don't say it because I sympathize you or pity you, but I say this because you're one strong woman & you deserve to be treated like that! - he finished looking at her all the while. 

Avni could feel her lungs giving up on her as all of sudden, her breathing became erratic as emotions clogged up in her throat. She wanted to cry out loud! She wanted to tell him that she was not that strong afterall! She wanted him to hold her tight! 

She also wondered that how could he just apologize to her so easily. If she wanted to apologize to someone, she'd have had to write a long speech about it & rehearse it for days before eventually doing it. 

How was he so free? It felt like he wore his heart on his sleeves! She was afraid if she could ever do that! She had rehearsed an apology even before going to his university that day!

She wanted to apologize to him too. For saying things that she didn't even mean but said just to get back at him when he was just trying to talk. But, she couldn't. It was tough for her. So, she just nodded her head at him hoping that he'd understand what she wanted to say & she covered herself with the blanket as she pretend to be fast asleep. She could hear Neil sigh as he lied on the sofa. 


Two days had passed & worked kept them busy. They still only saw each other on the dining table & in their bedroom at night, but things had started to change a little. They weren't co-existing anymore. They smiled at each other when their eyes met & asked each other about their day. It was Neil who started the conversations but Avni too used to participate with all her being. 

It was evening now & Avni was watering the plants when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around to find Neil approaching her with a small smile on his face. In her defense, she did try to smile back but it came out more like a grimace!

N - What's going on in there? - he playfully asked as he raised his eye brows to point towards her head. 

A - It's about Maa! - she sighed. Doctors are suggesting chemotherapy but her body is very weak. I am scared. - she spoke lowly while looking at the setting sun. 

N - How about we take a second opinion? I have some friends back in London who are doctors. Do you think you'd like it if I forward Aunty's reports to them? - he asked with a thoughtful expression on his face. 

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