Chapter 1

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"What is dream?"

Mrs. Parker asked the question rambling her intent look all over the class. The situation was very clear,  no one in the class was interested in answering the question. Mrs. Parker kept her eyes all over the students as she came walking towards Rachel, snatching her phone which she was using beneath her desk. Rachel made a annoying sound chewing her gum. She stood up from her chair giving Mrs. Parker a heinous look.

"Don't you know , it's not allowed to use phone in the class?" Mrs. Parker asked Rachel out of displeasure.

Mrs. Parker is our psychology teacher. She's a very elegant lady even in her mid fifty. She's got brownish silky hair coming down through her back, deep green eyes and curved lips. She had a vast influence among the male teachers of the University. I doubted any male teacher never looked at her twice. She was still placing her hands on Rachel's desk waiting for an answer.

"I know. But it was an emergency."
"What kind of emergency? " Mrs. Parker raised her eyebrows with a question mark in her eyes.

Rachel paused for a moment and said, "Today's lunch is fresh vegetables sandwich and yogurt from the canteen. So I was ordering food. Who eats vegetables sandwich and yogurt?"

She made a disgusting sound as if these weren't even food. Whole class busted out laughing like it was the funniest joke.
Mrs. Parker shook her head helplessly. She was having hard time coping up with the students. I felt sympathy for her. She was trying to fix the class which was not willing to be fixed. Mrs. Parker took Rachel phone with her.

"Take it back after the class." Mrs. Parker stated.
"Oka." Rachel replied like a brat chewing her gum.

I didn't get how could someone chew chewing gum all the time. Didn't she feel pain in her jaw? Rachel took her seat nonchalantly like it's a very common thing ordering food while someone was taking class. Anyways it's her matter.

"No one still hasn't answer. What is dream?" Mrs. Parker kept her eyes on students specially on Rachel. She didn't give any reaction. She didn't care actually. She rolled her eyes as if something was pinching her neck. And everyone else sighed serenely. They weren't even trying to listen to her.

"Ma'am Why don't you ask our class topper and class president? I think she has the answer? Liam said grinningly with a crooked smile on his face.

He was again picking fight with me. I felt a sudden twist on my stomach. Everyone looked at me and I hated that look. The look of mocking, the look of disgust. They were eyeing me with disdain. I tried to stay unfazed like I always do. I've learnt if you want to survive you shouldn't let others grow on you. So I stayed unbothered.

"Aria , my dear, Do you want to answer ?" Mrs. Parker's sudden voice pulled me out.

I stood up and tried to say something. I wondered what should I say ? What is dream for me ? I looked at Mrs. Parker,  her gaze was fixed on me, I saw the sparkling desire in her eyes about learning my answer. Was my answer that important?  I didn't think so.

"According to me, dream is...." I couldn't finished my answer as bell rang. The class ended, I took a breathe and sat immediately. Everyone made a clear relived sound.

"Rachel take your phone and DO. NOT. USE. PHONE. in the middle of the class."

Her voice had some kind of power,  I thought everyone felt that. She looked at me with a smile assuring me it was okay. I didn't know what was okay. Then she left.

"Mrs. Parker is such a bore."
" Right, what is dream? Like what kind of question is that?"
"But didn't you see our topper tried to answer it?"
"She's her favourite."

They laughed all along together.

I heard all the voice were echoing across the room. Nice!! Mrs. Parker,  me,  we were a good topic for your entertainment. Good. Entertain yourself while making fun of us. I lowerd my head against my desk. I covered my eyes with my arms. I felt fatigued and completely worn out.

"Don't listen to them. They always talk trash."

I glanced up and a smile came to face. Disha was standing along side my desk.

"I know. It doesn't bother me." I told her.
"That's why I like you, you're so cool." Disha gave me a boxy smile. I liked her too.

She was a beautiful girl, dark long hair , brownish skin and had a relaxing tone in her voice. She was new here, came from India. As a newcomer she had a tough time adjusting here. But she was very cheerful and positive girl. There's nothing as negative vibes coming from Disha. And she was the only reliable person here I felt solace around her. I smiled back at her.

"Don't you have to go to library?" Disha asked. Oh yeah I felt a shock hearing this.! It just slipped out of my mind. Exam was near and the tension was killing me. I sighed and stood up in hurry packing my stuffs in my bag.

"Oh yes, I just forgot. Thank you Disha. I'll see you later." I said to Disha

She gave me smile, a beautiful warm smile. I felt like she looked like..... I didn't let that thought coming to my mind. I picked my bag and rushed towards the library.

Shit ! Shit!! Shit if I got late they gonna cut  my salary. I couldn't take the risk I need to pay my bills. I ran as fast as I could , breathing heavily. Everything seemed blurred in front of me. as I was running, abruptly I bumped into someone really hard. I sensed pain on my shoulder. Damn !! Aria. I stood keeping my balance not bothered to peer who I bumped into. My bag fell on the floor however I didn't have time to stay and say sorry so I picked up my bag and started running again.

"How dare you , you idiot. You didn't even apologised."
I heard a male intense voice shouting at me. I didn't had time for that. So I ran like I always did.

"Let it be Elijah. Stupid like her exists."

I perceived a female grating voice fading across my ear.

I kept running as I always did.

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