"Nice to meet you too, Ojou-chan," Bang said and patted the girl's head,

"What brings you here, Bang?" Kombu asked,

"I received an invitation for a celebratory banquet at a high-class resort. Other Class-S Heroes were invited and I wondered if the three of you would like to come along," Bang proposed,

"A high-class resort? Sounds expensive," Kombu remarked,

"There's nothing to be worried about, everything is paid by the Association. All that matters is that you all have fun," Bang assured, "What do you say?"

"Well, There isn't much going on right now..." Kombu pans her head to Seaweed, then shrugs her shoulders, "Sure, we'll come. Just give us some time to prepare!"

"Yay! I'll bring Mew-sensei and Deo-san!" Seaweed declared, and rushed into the room,

"Deo-san?" Bang repeated,

"Remember that alien that we brought home after the incident?" Kombu reminded,

"Quite clearly," Bang said,

"That alien happens to be called Deoxys. Since Seaweed doesn't know how to pronounce its name properly, she called it Deo for short," Kombu summarized, "It didn't mind, and responded to the name,"

"I see, but why bring it?" Bang inquired,

"It's currently resting after its fight with Mew," Kombu explained, "So we carry it around, and hope that it doesn't get stolen,"

"I'm ready!" Seaweed said as she had her bag on her back and Mew in her arms,

"Then let us depart, the others may have arrived by now," Bang insisted, and they departed to the resort,

Of course, they're accompanied by Genos and Saitama with the latter being invited by the cyborg for obvious reasons.


"Ah... So warm..." Seaweed commented,

"Mew..." Mew muttered while its head was the only thing sticking out of the water,

It's been a few hours since they arrived and those two were quite comfortable being submerged in warm water. As for Kombu, she conversed with a certain esper, or rather being yelled at for a particular reason, "Why did you two become Class-C!?"

"It's because we want progress not favor," Kombu said, not minding the Esper at all, "If people start assuming that we get by Executives or Deeds, they'll hate us for it. So it's best to start small then go big,"

"Oh come on, we both know you two are more than capable of doing the job than those worthless bums," Tatsumaki rebuked, "Why else would I go my way of vouching for you myself,"

"Like I said, it's about progress not favor," Kombu reminded, "But when you mention this particular topic, are you going out of your way to make us Class-S -S because you're the only girl ranked in Class-S? It must have been lonesome for you,"

"It's not like that!" Tatsumaki yelled, and Kombu started giggling to herself, "What are you laughing about?"

"I'm sorry, it's just... For an adult, you certainly act like a child," Kombu remarked,

This caused Tatsumaki to get red in the face before yelling, "Why you!"

As Kombu kept laughing and Tatsumaki kept arguing, Seaweed and Mew still relaxed in the water alongside a female worker of the Association, "Those two would certainly get along, don't they?"

"Yes..." Seaweed softly replied,

"Mew..." Mew added,

In addition to their argument and the conversation with the men from the other bath, everything seems fine after they are done with their baths.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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