Chapter 6

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Hey Guys! Crescent Rider here and I'm back with another chapter. Before we begin, let's start with the usual.

Firstly, the answer to the fourth 'Whose that Pokemon' is Lycanroc the 'Wolf Pokemon'. Now you all may wonder; what does the hint 'Time' have to do with Lycanroc? The answer lies in the evolution tree of Rockruff; Which are Midday, Dusk, and Midnight.

It's a shame that there isn't a Dawn Form of Lycanroc. But who knows, maybe there will be in the future. But that's just me hoping...

Secondly, another question from me again. If any of you recalled the Mega Evolutions of Pokemon, not including Gigagantamax Pokemon. Is it possible for Mew to access them or not?

Let me know what you think, because in my opinion. I believe Mew can't access them.

And lastly, there's something I'd like to admit but you'll this part at the end of the chapter.

That is all and enjoy the chapter!


While Saitama and Genos left to partake in the Hero Test, Mew goes explore the world once more. However, it had some business in a particular area that it once visited...

The land that Genos had single-handedly shaped to devastate the base of the House of Evolution...

When approaching a burnt tree, it sat upon a burnt branch. In the slightest amount of pressure, the branch breaks into ashe, and the same is said for the entire tree. If this tree is so brittle, Mew had assumed that the same can be said for the rest of these trees.

Thus, Mew starts working on repairing the destruction caused by Genos' Arm Cannons. It took roughly hours since the land had been geographically shaped, but Mew would succeed in its task as the forest that was once burned by Genos had grown and flourished once more.

Mew would revert its transformation, then proceed to wander the world as usual. But this phenomenon did not go unnoticed...

A Few Hours = Later

Upon discovery via satellite imagery, the Executives had assembled a team, consisting of some of their staff and a few heroes as their bodyguards, to investigate the area that had been devoid of life due to Genos's power.

As soon as they arrived, they were utterly shocked that the land they considered a wasteland was restored with trees, shrubs, and bushes days after its destruction. What's noticeable and unchangeable of the land is the shape of the land.

When comparing the images, of the aftermath of Genos' destruction and the one they've captured now, they now know that it's the same area where the House of Evolution had once established its base of operation, except, the landscape in the second image was brimming with life, unlike the first image...

Their thoughts on the matter were presumably an unnatural phenomenon, but some have assumed that it was Mew since this phenomenon was somehow connected to Atomic Samurai's report, where he stated that the forest they sparred in had been restored to its proper condition.

This prompted their interest in Mew further, and efforts to find this creature have doubled than before. To further increase their chances of Mew's sightings, the Executives have reached the decision to publicize Mew's existence to the rest of the world.

Some objected considering exposing Mew to the public may not only risk its well-being but also make shady organizations aware of the incomprehensible powers it wields. Making Mew a target for their ingenious but malicious plans.

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