Then again, Jason came in with a black and white dotted horse, heading towards them and greeting the monarchs before having the horse walk beside the Bohemond. "I call forth Lord Corlys from house Velaryon!" 

The Velaryon's behind Rhaenyra cheered and clapped their hands in excitement. Lord Corlys came in with a black horse he's mounting and did as the same to the other participants, he approached the monarch and greeted them in curtsy before positioning beside the Lannister.

"Ser Carlisle Redin, representing as hand of the Oldtown city!" Gwenyth, Jafar along with the queen and her father clapped hands. Doing the same as the other players did, the man finally announced the last participant, "Ser Julius Laurent from House Targaryen!" 

Rhaenyra's ears almost broke at the cheers of the people. Almost everyone in the arena are standing up. Julius entered the sight with a black horse, waving at the people before doing its curtsy for the monarchs and positioning himself beside the others. 

King Viserys stood up from his seat and climbed a few steps down until he was on the railing. Everybody's noise died down as they saw the king made his approach. The king smiled, "Good Valyrian people and guests- we are gathered here today for the best tourney witnessed of all time! Each of the games will have only two rounds. Two points from one house and they shall be announced the winner before facing another house.. but if the two players tied- then it shall be settled in for another round- which is the third round. There are no restrictions other than cheating during the tournament. It is prohibited. For the gods too watches and will perish those who play unjust. Fight, play, and duel for your victory with all your might! Thank you all for the participants, and I pray you to the gods the best of luck. Let the tourney begin!" He climbed back up to his seat beside Alicent who gave him a small smile. 

The first two to compete are Carlisle Redin and Cedric Bohemond. Each was given their ginormous thick pole and shields from opposite sides of the field. Carlisle Redin, a man with red curly hair wore his helmet and grabbed the heavy pole to his side while mounting his horse, same as the Bohemond. They have positioned themselves to set; waiting for the master of ceremony to say the word to begin. Seconds of waiting and he had finally said the word.

The two horses galloped to meet each other with the players holding onto their poles with its pointy end sticking out towards the opponent. First hit was taken from the Bohemond but it didn't make an impact much on the Redin. They passed each other and settled themselves for another go before running their horses again. This time Carlisle's pole made an impact on Bohemond, breaking its shield and having him fall off of his horse. The tournament went on and the winner was named to the Redin. Cedric lined up to the Bohemonds and Rhaenyra saw her uncle pat the man's back. 

Other participants played as well resulting that Julius Laurent from House Targaryen won the hand's tourney. The king was delighted in joy while he clapped his hands with a smile.

Now was the time for the Heir's tournament and the participants to joust were called and lined up beside each other except Daemon who's yet to be called 

"The prince Daemon Targaryen as heir for princess Rhaenyra!" The man announced. 

Dorcas clapped and smiled beside the princess who just gave out a bore expression and clapped. Daemon approached the spectator and said "Will you do the honor of blessing me your favors, princess?" He smirked. 

Rhaenyra and Dorcas eyed each other. Dorcas with a grin while Rhaenyra with an annoyed look on her face before she stood up, grabbed and threw the favor towards her uncle before walking back to her seat without patience. Daemon only laughed at this that intended to annoy the princess more before walking beside the participants. 

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