Capitulo ONSE

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Elijah's Pov:

Once we arrive back at our mansion, me and Lucas separate ways, he make his way to his room while me I'm on my way to my own too...I took out my phone and watch her photo, i stare into it and i cant help but to smile, even in her picture, she was still mesmerizing...I really wish i could have her in my arms and embrace her, kissed her, squeeze her and many more, i wanna sleep with her all day all night and when the morning sun arrive, the thing my eyes wants to see was her beautiful and fragile gaze, I want anything about her...

After a while, I laid on my own bed and then slowly closed my eyes and drift off to sleep....


(Elijah's Dream)

I woke up, seeing myself sleeping in a- hospitals bed?
I saw myself in it, I saw mom...still sleeping, but when I tried to touch her, I fall out, I suddenly fall away from her, falling in a deep hole and then I saw dad and I saw how he treated mom before. I saw how he brutally hit mom and especially me...and afterwards, everything went blurred ....


"Elijah!! Elijah!!!" Lucas called out loudly to me, shaking me like crazy

"Your screaming and crying, sweating and shaking! What happened?!" He ask as I saw his face worrying on my state

"Uhhh- I...-" the only words I said as I didn't know what to respond next,

I instantly got up and sat on my bed, I look through my phone and see it was already 6 in the evening...I didn't notice I slept that long... suddenly, the image of Aira pop up in my head, making me smile so sudden

"Hey, you okay? Your smiling like a creepy idiot!" Lucas said as he snacks my shoulder

"What! Ohh...yeah, I'm okay" I said, while still smiling

"I really hope that Aira girl didn't ruin your right state of mind bro" he said, making me chuckle a bit

"She's not..I swear" i respond shortly

After a while of me talking, he soon left my room and I went back to sleep

Chapter 11 is finish!!
Hope you enjoy!!

Mrs. Author:3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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