4. What's your deal?

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As I continue my work, the bustling atmosphere of the restaurant keeps me busy

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As I continue my work, the bustling atmosphere of the restaurant keeps me busy. Suddenly, the sound of a bowl crashing to the ground grabs my attention, prompting me to head over and help clean up the mess. Nalini aunty lends a hand, and as we work, I hear Ishu aunty calling me upstairs to the terrace.

Curious, I make my way up to find the entire family gathered, along with a stranger sitting among them. My expression freezes as I recognize him. Rajat. The scion of this family. Despite my surprise, I compose myself as Ishu aunty introduces him to me.

Just as I'm about to greet him and slip away, I hear Chachus' voice, and I'm touched by the way he refers to me as his daughter rather than just a member of the cafe staff. It's a small gesture, but it makes me smile, as it reflects the warmth and inclusivity of this family.

Quickly, I serve them their food and discreetly make my exit, preferring not to draw too much attention to myself.

(next day)

As the clock strikes 4 p.m., I realize my shift at the cafe is set to begin at 4:30 p.m. Thoughts of encountering Rajat again flood my mind, and I find myself hesitating. Seeing him this morning only reaffirmed my desire to keep my distance. It's not that I dislike him; rather, it's the overwhelming love his family showers on him that makes me yearn for a similar familial bond. I've always been envious of the affection they share, and being part of their lives has been a temporary solace for me. But involving Rajat might complicate things, and I don't want to risk disrupting the harmony.

Nothing good ever seems to happen in my life, and I fear that borrowing a bit of Rajat's affection might lead to trouble down the line. I can't bear the thought of him being upset with me or feeling like I'm stealing attention from him. So, I resolve to keep my distance.

By 6:30 p.m., Rashi and Tejal return, and I've already prepared curry for dinner. They'll handle making roti, as usual. As I arrive at the cafe, Chachu greets me with a pat on the head, and I start brewing his first coffee of the evening before taking orders.

Half an hour later, the door swings open, and I'm greeted by the familiar babbling of a baby—Parth and Vidhi. They're the beloved darlings of the cafe, adored by everyone who frequents the place. Parinika Di approaches me, and I envelop her in a warm hug. She's like an older sister to me, always there to offer guidance and support through life's challenges.

She works as a manager at her husband's office, and their love story is truly swoon-worthy. He started off as an ice-cold boss, and she was his assistant. But over time, they fell in love, and now they're a sweet little family.

As everyone gathers at the cafe, including Rajat, I busily prepare coffee for the adults and chocolate milkshakes for Vidhi and Parth. Despite Vipin's invitation to join them, I politely decline, preferring not to intrude on their family time.

After completing my tasks, it's already 10 p.m., and I'm ready to leave with my dinner prepared by the chef as a token of appreciation. However, as I make my way out, I notice Rajat sitting outside on a bench with Vidhi, enjoying ice cream. I try to slip away unnoticed, but Vidhi spots me.

"Aaayyuu, look, ice cream!" she exclaimed excitedly, showing me her treat. I can't help but laugh at her enthusiasm. "So the princess is having ice cream instead of sleeping, huh? Did you have your dinner?" I inquire, to which she nods eagerly.

"Hey," his voice breaks the silence.

"Hi, Rajat," I respond quietly.

"Hi, Ayana."

And that's where our conversation ends. The air between us grows heavy, and I struggle with the urge to simply walk away. But something inside me stops me from leaving.

Then, unexpectedly, he breaks the silence with a question that catches me off guard. "What's your deal?" His tone carries a hint of annoyance, and I immediately feel a pang of guilt. I hadn't meant to come off as rude or dismissive. I raise my head to meet his gaze, my expression betraying my inner turmoil.

Before I can respond, the realization dawns on him, and his features soften slightly. "Sorry if that sounded harsh. I just noticed you talking to everyone, even my friends, but not to me. Why is that?" He asks, his tone gentler this time.

I blink, processing his question. "It's nothing, really. I just... I thought you," I finally manage to say, though my voice trails off uncertainty.

But before I can elaborate, my phone interrupts with a call. "I am coming," I hastily announce, ending the call abruptly. "I have to go; my friends are waiting for me. Bye, Vidhi," I added quickly before turning to leave.

However, Rajat intercepts, suggesting we leave together since we're both finished here, and it's time for Vidhi to go to bed. I hesitate for a moment before nodding in agreement. We begin walking together in silence for a while before he prompts me again, "You were saying something?"

"I was just working and nothing else, and I don't usually talk to strangers. Yeah, you know. Stranger Danger," I blurt out, mentally cursing myself for the awkwardness.

His expression shifts to one of surprise, and I hurriedly try to backtrack. "Sorry, it's not like that, but I am not good at talking to people," I stammer, desperately trying to salvage the situation.

"But you are good at talking to my whole family," he observes pointedly.

Feeling the weight of his words, I falter for a moment before we part ways to head towards the lift. Just as we're about to go our separate directions, he adds, "And not to forget, you are my Mamu's daughter."

His words hang in the air, leaving me feeling uncertain. I want to explain, to clarify, but as I turn to respond, the lift doors close, cutting off any chance of further conversation. Defeated, I stand there, trying to steady my breathing as I grapple with the implications of his words.

As I step into the quiet refuge of my flat, a tempest of emotions swirls within me, leaving me feeling adrift and vulnerable. Rajat's words reverberate in my mind, casting shadows of doubt and insecurity over my recent encounter with him. Was he genuinely upset, or was it merely a jest veiled in sarcasm?

The notion of potentially causing further discord with Rajat and his cherished family weighs heavily on my heart, prompting a pang of apprehension. Perhaps it would be wisest to retreat from their orbit until after Navratri, sparing myself the turmoil of potential misunderstandings.

With each step towards my bed, I seek solace beneath the comforting shroud of my blanket, yearning for a respite from the tumultuous whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. Yet, even as I seek sanctuary in the embrace of solitude, a sense of isolation threatens to engulf me, leaving me feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

In the cocoon of darkness, you grapple with the weight of your feelings, the ache of loneliness gnawing at your soul. Though the road ahead may seem daunting, I know deep within that I am alone in my struggles. 

Sorry for creating a misunderstanding between them but yeah wait for RAJAT to find out everything about her.

What do you think might have happened to Ayana and how will she be able to find out about Rajats feelings. Will she ever look at him with love? 

T o find out more


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