Chapter 26

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The gray and white cat with the mangled tail had somehow found its way into Reni's room and now took up space on her pillow, purring by her head.

Rested and close to the end of her trip, Zak had promised her a different kind of fun today. She quickly showered and dressed, meeting him outside the riad. They wandered and shopped before enjoying lunch. At a small kiosk, Zak leaned in and pulled a silver charm from where it lay on a table covered in purple velvet.

"It says love in Arabic. You need to add this to your collection." His hand found hers, and he examined the charm next to all the others on the bracelet. "It will be a nice fit."

"You don't need to buy me a present."

"It is not a present. It is a promise."

"Thank you," Reni said.

His thoughtful gift made her even more sure of her decision. The only thing that remained was finding the right time to tell Zak.

Later in the day, a car picked them up and transported them to the palm oasis for a private sunset camel ride. Reni admired the view of the Atlas Mountains as the sun fell in the sky through leafy palms, realizing it was unlike anything she'd ever seen. Morocco was alluring and mysterious, and she was more sure than ever that she could make a life there.

The sun descended below the sandy horizon, casting golden hues across the vast desert landscape. A sense of anticipation filled her when she realized this could be the perfect moment to tell Zak about her decision to move to Morocco to be with him.

The camel stood tall, almost looking girlish, with long eyelashes fluttering. She thought they'd be gangly and unattractive, but surprise filled her as she watched them up close. Sturdy and graceful, their humped backs were well designed for traversing the unforgiving terrains of arid lands.

The guide helped her up and then put Zak on the waiting camel next to her. He filled them in on how camels as transportation had been an integral part of desert cultures. Before setting off, the guide taught them to steer the beasts and introduced the camels as Bogart and Bergman, another nod to the Casablanca movie.

He went on to share fascinating anecdotes about their remarkable adaptations as Reni squiggled back and forth in the saddle, conforming to the rhythmic sway of the camel's gait beneath her.

"They are the desert ships,' the guide informed them. "With a gentle nature and an undeniable resilience, camels have long been trusted companions of nomads and explorers, carrying them across vast distances in search of food and trade. They've helped with agriculture and travel. Civilization would be lost without them in this part of the world."

"A little different than the horses, no?" Zak asked, his body bobbing left and right.

"Not sure I'd want to take one of them on a run across the desert, but this is fun." She paused, working up her courage. "I want to tell you something."

"Yes, my love?"

The soft padding of hooves against the sand filled the silence. Reni squared her shoulders, finding her courage as the golden landscape unfolded, a surreal blend of the setting sun and endless expanse of shifting dunes.

Feeling both exhilarated and humbled by the sheer magnitude of the vision before her, Reni blurted, "I want to move to Marrakesh."

"Really?" His mouth gaped like a fish on the sand.


"Are you sure?"

"You're not making this easy on me." Her smile teased.

"I want you to be sure."

"I am."

Their guide, not realizing the inherent importance of the moment, pointed out a desert fox darting between rocks and a moment later, a falcon soaring overhead.

Reni took time to find both animals, but her eyes quickly returned to Zak.

"You've made me the happiest man ever."

She wished she could reach for him, touch him, but the camels were too far apart. Still, her joy rivaled the sun's last hues of orange and pink that cast a spellbinding palette across the landscape. The shifting sands took on an ethereal quality as the evening light bathed everything in a soft, warm glow.

The guide stopped, and soon the camels knelt, letting Reni and Zak dismount and rest on blankets laid across the warm sand.

Mind exploding with questions, Reni remained silent, watching the sun's descent. The seconds before darkness were magical moments and scorched forever into her memory for many reasons. It was a majestic and heavenly display, but the camel ride had become the catalyst to change her life.

Nearby, their guide started a crackling campfire and shared a thermos of mint tea. Sitting by the flames, Zak grabbed Reni's hand, and she was sure this was all they both could ever want. Without city lights obstructing her view, the stars formed a celestial canopy without limits.

All too soon, it was time for them to remount for the return journey. As the camels rose, so did her doubts. They had a lot to discuss, and Reni wanted to blurt out every question in her mind but held her tongue. This was too beautiful of an experience to sour with her concerns.

Instead, with each step forward, she imagined her new life, every grain of sand beneath her, an exciting choice she could make when deciding her fate and destiny.

The saddle swayed and jolted. Reni grabbed the horn for security and bounced back from her daydreams as the camel, having miss-stepped, staggered to the left. It lurched and swayed, finally staggering to the dismount platform.

Grabbing tightly to the saddle under her and gripping with her thighs, the fantasies dissipated. She refused to be pitched off so soon after the incident with the horse. That would be more than a coincidence. A random thought inched its way into her mind as she dismounted. Reni hoped the bumps at the end of the camel ride weren't an omen of things to come. 

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