Eve Of The Counteroffensive: Part 2

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...as I was given a crash course on how to ride and maintain it.

I also gave it a name. I call the motherfucker "Traveller" because of how ambitious I am to travel the land and see new things as we kill Titans and take back our home.

When I got to Mikasa, she was worried about what will happen, but I can assure her that nothing bad will happen. I can guarantee it.

Mikasa: You keep Eren safe, okay?

Elias: I plan on it. Don't worry.

Mikasa: But I'm worried about you. Don't you think that you'll get the same treatment from Levi?

Elias: Hey, my dad worked with him before, and he told me himself that he doesn't plan on beating me like he did with Eren in that courtroom. Just trust me, okay? And Armin?

Armin: Yeah?

Elias: You stick with her, alright? Make sure she doesn't go insane.

Armin: Yeah. That'll be tricky to do.

Elias: Well, I gotta get going.

Mikasa: Stay safe. I love you.

Elias: Love you too.

We kissed right in front of Armin as he was shocked, but no one else noticed, which is what I wanted.

Armin: Wait. Are you two?

Elias: Yeah, we've been together for some time now. Mind keeping it a secret until we feel like sharing with the others?

Armin: Of course. I support you guys

Elias: Thanks. I'll see you guys later.

Mikasa: See you in a few days. I love you.

Elias: Love you too, Mikasa.

She blushed as I chuckled from adorableness, kissed her cheek and as I walked away, I held Mikasa's hand with my own slowly slipped out of hers while looking at her with a comforting smile.

I went back to Hange and I got onto my horse, but I was given something from her.

Hange: I see that you got a girl waiting for you when you get back.

Elias: Let's just hold off on that, alright? I don't want anybody pointing out the obvious.

Hange: Alright, E.

Elias: "E"?

Hange: Just a little nickname I came up with for ya.

Elias: I'll take it.

Hange: Got a letter for you that's from a Carla Jaeger. You might wanna read it when we get there.

She gave it to me and I put it away in my jacket.

Elias: Alright. Want me to go ahead and meet up with Team Levi? It'll save some time.

Hange: Of course! They're gonna need you, anyway.

Elias: Alright. I'll see you then.

I gave her a bit of a hug and focused on my travel to the base, but before I could...

Elias: Let's go, Traveller. HYAH!

Traveller neighed as I rode off and started riding towards the base. It was gonna be a few hours before I get there, so to pass the time, I had some nuts as a snack in case I'm getting hungry and water in my canteen.

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