Small Blade - The Struggle For Trost: Part 3

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~Elias POV~

Armin and I tried to get to the supply depot, but to no avail. Instead of staying where we were, we decided to head back, lest we get eaten by titans, just because we were on the ground.

However, we were with the others, they hear footsteps running towards us. And when I looked up, it was who I hoped it would be.

My crush. Mikasa.

Cadet: Mikasa, weren't you with the vanguard?

I saw her go up to Annie and looked to talk to her, but I had to get her attention.

Mikasa: Annie! I know how bad things have gotten and it's selfish to put personal matters in the forefront, but have you seen Eren's squad?

Elias: Mikasa!

Mikasa looked back to see me again, same as Armin, but she looked concerned.

Mikasa: Elias!

We ran to each other and hugged as it felt good to be in her arms, but it didn't feel good to have Eren not be around anymore.

Mikasa: Where were you?!

Elias: I was helping people evacuate. They needed to get out before they got eaten alive.

Mikasa: Armin and the others, they're not hurt, right?

Elias: No, but Eren was killed.

Mikasa(shocked): What?

Elias: I tried killing the titans before they ate 'em, but I just wasn't fast enough. I just feel like this was all my fault.

Mikasa: Elias, you can't blame yourself.

Elias: No, I do. Eren is killed because of me. I promised to protect him and because of that, he's not here no more.

Mikasa: Elias, calm yourself. We haven't got the time to be emotional right now. Come on.

Instead of being emotional like Mikasa thought I was, I started walking forward to the edge of the rooftop, with fire in my eyes.

I was gonna go rogue on these freaking titans and just be absolutely merciless on them.

Elias: Marco, if we eliminate or bypass the Titans at HQ, we can there refuel our gear, allowing us to get over the wall. Is that right?

Marco: Well, uh, yeah I guess so, sure. But there's just too many of them out there, even with you on point.

Elias: We can do it.

Marco gasped, same with the others, Mikasa in particular as I was gonna tell them something, whether they like it or not.

Elias: Whether we have strength or not, we have to pull through. If I can't get to HQ, then the titans are gonna have to kill me, unless if I win, I live, and the only way to live is to fight. And to fight, you gotta be like me. And to be like me, you gotta have the guts to die yourselves.

I flew away as I heard from behind me that everyone started to feel motivated by what I just said.

I mean it, if they wanna live, then they gotta have the guts to die themselves for the future of humanity.

Soon after flying towards the storage depot, I was somehow out of gas and I landed on a Titan's nape.

This was scary and terrifying for me. I had to move.

Mikasa: Elias!

Just like that, Mikasa grabbed me and put me on her back and we flew away from the titans, using full speed towards the depot.

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