episode 23

180 8 2

All are dancing happily with each other
But hannie is standing alone with drink in his hand
Hannie pov- tae and jimin looking good with bogum and kai
I hope one day i will also found a better person for me he is thinking
Then Scopus approach him
Scoups - why you standing alone here let's go we also do dance
Hannie - look at Scopus and said are you asking me to dance
Scoups nod
Hannie - i think you forgot your words you never like person like me who is not belongs to your status
Scopus look at hannie with guilt eyes all flashback are started present on Scopus eyes
Scoups - hannie look i know i hurt you in past but that time we are younger not that mature we should forget past
Hannie - wow after insulting my feelings in front of all school you are saying it was past
Anyways I don't want to talk about that and I am not interested in dancing with you
Dk approach hannie at looking tension between hannie and scoups
Dk-dr jeonghan can you dance with me said looking at Scopus
I don't know others except you so it's awkward ask someone else
Hannie look at dk and nod but Scopus look at dk with angry eyes and left from there

Dk- sorry Dr jeonghan but i see you are not comfortable with him that's why I approached you
Hannie - no please don't say sorry and please call me hannie don't be formal we are friends now
And thanks for helping me i really don't want to dance with his
Dk understandly nod
Hannie - them we should go to dance floor
Dk and hannie also join others
Jimin and tae look at hannie with teasing smirk and hannie just shook his head on his idiot brothers
All are dancing and enjoying

But in bar counter three peoples are drinking like mad persons
Ohh Scopus also join yoongi and jk
This trio is drinking without thinking anything
They are looking at parks brother who are dancing with someone else arm
Rm also join them and look at trio with done face
Rm pov - i am dancing with jin but then jimin and Kai joined after that tae and bogum joined and lastly hannie and dr dokyeom also joined
But I am finding my friends then my eyes caught them with bar counter
And they are drinking like mad man but for me more surprising they are looking at vmin and hannie
Why they are looking them with jealous eyes

Rm eyes wide open when he understands the situation
It means enemies started loving their enemies

Ohhh shit
I excuse myself from jin and come here for knows truth

Rm -  ohh my beloved friends are drinking without me so sad
But what happen to you all why you all looking at your childhood enemies
Said mockingly to other
By the way where is your girlfriends fiancee you are not dancing with them
Everyone enjoying party and here you are wasted
Jk- who is my girlfriend said in drunken state
I am single hyung but not for long time
Said looking at tae
Rm - ohh really  you and jenny will be good couple Said smirking at jk
Jk , yoongi and scoups look at rm
Yoongi - you love Jenn you didn't tell me said sniffing
I allways support you and you didn't tell me
Scopus - you bunny face human i thought you like park
Jk cut Scopus and put his finger on scopus mouth
Don't say loudly hyung i like park taehyung said Little loud voice
Rm look at jk and shock after listening this
But he got more shock after hearing yoongi and scoups words
Yoongi - in drunken state better you like tae if you like my chim i will kill you
Scopus - yes hyung you are right you both stay away from my hannie said gulping one more glass
Rm pov- i understand about Scopus and kook but yoongi like jimin
I am gonna faint after this he think and try to stop trio for more drinking but they are not listening rm

All they are wasted
Jk - i am going to dance with my tae hyung said shyly
Rm look at jk with Scopus and yoongi
Scoups and yoongi - we also coming all trio stand up goes to the dance floor
Rm trying to stop but no use

Jk- take  🎤 in his hand
park taehyung said loudly everyone at party looking at jk
Mr jeon - what is he going he looking like drunk
Mrs jeon-i don't know honey please calm down
Taehyung feeling nervous he don't what jk gonna do
He face palm himself
Jk-park taehyung you are dancing with bubblegum
All looked at jk and started laughing because everyone knows he talking about bogum bogum looking at him angry gaze
Jk-when I am asking you for dance you shout on me like dog
shyly looking at tae but I am your puppy
Everyone looked at tae who is just want earth swallowed him
But suddenly someone snatch mic from jk and it's Scopus
Jk whined but give mic to Scopus

Mr choi-now what he gonna do they are total embarassment
Scoups - Yoon jeonghan
Ok now hannie is turn to get embarassed
Scoups - you are enjoying dance after kicking me from dance floor said in drunken voice
Jin - rm what is happening here can you explain me
Rm pov-your lovely brothers are in love with that's why they are acting like idiot in jealousy
Rm-ahh i don't know jinnie i myself shocked he lie to jin
Jin- glaring at rm why I am feeling you are lying to me
Rm panicked no jinnie

Scoups - ok now we are gonna dance
He threw mic and goes to the hannie and helld his wrist and started dancing
Jk also do same he also come to tae andhe tightly grip on tae waist and started dancing
Hannie and tae try to loose thre grip but jk and scoups not living them
All elders are looking shockly all this drama
Jimin is standing like shocked person but suddenly he feels grip on his waist and he look at person and it's non other yoongi who also drag jimin on dance floor

Mr min - they are just dancing every one please enjoy the party i am sorry behalf of my son and his friend
Mr Kim - it' s ok min it's not big problem they are little drunk
Chan -hyung is right they are enjoying let them enjoy
All elders and other nod
All people start dancing and enjoying party

Hobi is coming from washroom after crying almost one hour and he look at front and his heart again break into pieces
But he put smile on his face and stand there

With yoonmin
Drunk yoongi - jimina you are looking hella beautiful i just want to kiss you
Jimin know yoongi is drunk but he don't trust this person at any cost he try go from there but yoongi tightening his grip on his waist
Jimin moan in pain
Yoongi held jimin hand drag him
Jimin-what are you doing leave my hand yoongi he started struggling
Yoongi drag jimin to his bedroom and push him on bed
And lock the door and look at jimin
Jimin got hella angry he try to go but yoongi back hug him
Yoongi - don't leave me jimina i can't leave without you
Jimin stop struggling and turn to yoongi side
Jimin - you are Drunk leave me

Yoongi - and where you gonna go to your fiance that Kai
Jimin look at yoongi with angry gaze
Jimin - whenever I go it's my matter leave me
Yoongi - your are all matters belongs to me you are mine jimin
I hate someone touch you
Why don't you understand I love you
Said frustately
Jimin - why I believe in you from childhood you and yor friends all ways bully us

All ways hate us because of your father love and adore us
You all ways feel me like i am fat boy who don't have right to look beautiful
You and your friends judge peoples with their looks not there hearts
Said crying
Today I am looking beautiful that' s why you started liking me or now I am belongs to your standard said angrily
After listening this from jimin mouth yoongi realise how much there bullying hurt jimin and his family
He feels ashamed he fel like someone split in his mouth

Author note- judging people on their looks,life style,or something else is wrong
We should accept everyone as who they are

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