episode 18

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All are sitting together
Jin- guys all ok why you all are behaving weird
Rm- looking at Scopus, yoongi and jk i hope you all are know what you are doing
Jimin - hyung we should live now looking at hannie
Hannie - you are right we should live i also want to talk to you looking at yoongi and jk

Hobi pov- we can't go this early i have to do something
Hobi - hyung where is jenn ask worriedly
Jin- ya where is she all start looking for Jenny

With Jenny
She is in washroom full on drunk some random boys come there
They started checking jen
Boy 1- wow man she is beautiful
Boy 2- today our luck is good so enjoy guys
They started approaching her
Boy1- hey beautiful you want some fun come with us
Jenny - look at them angrily and said
fuck off
Boy 2- attitude let me teach you how to f£ck
They try to grab Jenny but she push them  and started running
During running she accidentally come in 1 vip room

Lisa pov
Lisa and some random girl trying to intimate but today I am not in mood
My mind is occupied with one girl that girl trying but i am not feeling good
I want that girl who just bumped me
It's not i fall for her but i want one night stand with her
Suddenly my door got opened and one girl come in our room
Where is my fucking security my anger increased but when I look that person my all anger vanished

Jenny pov- i am come in one random room but heart stop
When I see two girls in intimate position
I feel very embarassed
But one girl is same who bumped me few minutes ago
Suddenly she spoke

Lisa - leave
Jenny - i also don't want to see your free show but some boys chasing me that's why I am come here
Lisa- look at that girl and say leave she pick his top and leave from there
Jenny  try to leave but Lisa pull her and both collapsed on bed
Jenny - what the hell why you pull me
Lisa - because of you my show is stop
Now you have start the show
Jenny - angrily i am not slut i am kim Jenny daughter of kim sujin so stay in your limits
You are sharing with bed random girls but i am not like you bitch Said disgustingly
And try to touch me i will kill you
Lisa got impressed in her life no one talk in such disgusting way the way Jenn talking

Jenny push Lisa and left the room
Lisa roll on bed Frist time in her life she is smiling after so much insult

Author - wow bitch you are mafia who just got insulted by common girl

Other side all are in tension because of Jenny but she approach them
Jk - where are you jen we are worried for you
Jenny feel happy because of jk concern
Jenny - i am in bathroom kook sorry everyone
All nod
Suddenly one waiter approach them
Waiter - sir this drinks for you
Yoongi - we don't order any drink
Waiter - this is free drinks for all guests
All nod
Tae - we are leaving guys you can enjoy your drinks
Kook - we are come here together we should live together said looking at tae

Rm-kook is right tae please sit we will after this drink
All started drinking
Hobi is nervous
Hobi pov- yoongi is drinking today we will become one we cross all boundaries after this you have to marry me
We are engaged so it's not big deal for us
I know its wrong but but everything is fair in love and war

All started leaving club but Scopus is not feeling well
His body started heating his sweat dripping from forehead
He is trying to concentrate on driving but his mind is not working
And hobi is continuously looking at yoongi but yoongi is very calm
All reach to the outside of jeon mansion
Jin-ok babies good night we will meet each other tomorrow
Everyone goodbying each other
Jenny is angry on kook  so she leave without saying bye and hobi is today staying in min mansion

All started to leave but Scopus is not feeling well he stay with car with dripping sweat
hannie is going to enter the park house
But when he found Scopus is restless and he still standing near car he come  to scoups

Hannie - what happen why are you stand here is anything wrong
Scopus look at hannie and said i am not feeling well can you help me go to the house hannie is feeling Scopus is not good so he nod
Scopus is loosing his mind he can't understand what are he feeling
They both enter in choi mansion
Hannie - where is uncle and aunt
Scopus - they are out of town thanks for helping me
Hannie - you are not looking good you have to rest
Let me take you to your room
Scopus nod but his hand started trembling sweat dripping from his forehead he loosing his mind
They both enter in Scopus room
Scopus feeling more restless hannie look at him and said
What is happening you you don't have fever then why are burning
Scopus mind-i don't know but i am felling horney
If hannie stay here i will surely loose my mind
Scoups - hannie please leave from here
I want to stay alone please live
Hannie - you are not feeling well i am staying here
I will come with water stay here he goes to kitchen
Scopus hurriedly left to bathroom he started showering but he had no effect on his body his feelings so restless
He started touching himself but he started moaning hannie name
His eyes 👀 got shot open he feels embarassed moaning hannie name

Hannie come from kitchen he look for Scopus suddenly door open Scopus enter in room
Hannie as doctor he can sense Scopus is not his right mind
Hannie - you should sleep i will come tomorrow he try to leave but
Suddenly Scopus pull him in and back hug him
Please help me

Hannie don't know what is happening
Hannie-please leave me he is feeling like heart will burst
Scopus - i am feeling hot please help me
Hannie - look at Scopus eyes 👀 and he can sense lust on his eyes
Scoups - please forgive me
Hannie is confused but suddenly Scopus turn him and started kissing him passionately

Other side
Hobi is standing on yoongi door he don't know what is happening inside
He calm himself and knock the door
Yoongi mind-i am fucking tired today and that Little brat he all ways test my passion
But today he looking very beautiful my prince his angry face he looks so cute
I just want to take him in my arm forever
Suddenly knock heard my door
I look at Time and frown who is at this time
I opened door and look hobi standing on door i got worried what happen why he here this time

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