
Both Diane and Julie bowed with Tigress.

Tigress:So, I was right to assume this girl was your daughter.

Diane:And I couldn't be more proud of her.

The three walked inside.

Diane:So uh...why did you want to see us about?

Tigress:I was curious as to how one of my best students was doing, given that we didn't exactly end on good terms.

Julie:What does that mean?

Diane:When she found out I was using her training to steal things...she kicked me out.

Tigress:True. But, I am relieved to see that you're putting your training to a more useful pursuit. And passing it down to your daughter.

As they began chatting, someone snuck up from behind Julie and put their hand on her shoulder. Her reflexes kicked in and she flung the person over her shoulder and onto the floor. The person turned out to be a young female gray fox

 The person turned out to be a young female gray fox

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Julie:Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!

???:It's alright. Serves me right for sneaking up on someone.

Julie helped her up.

Tigress:This is Zhen. One of my youngest students. She's been living here at the dojo for a few years now.

Julie:Sorry about tossing you. So many villains try to sneak attack me, it's become a reflex.

Zhen:It's all good. Honestly, that was kinda impressive.

Diane:Why don't you two get to know each other?

Julie began walking with Zhen. Zhen showed Julie her room.

There were shelves and few toys and other trinkets

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There were shelves and few toys and other trinkets.

Zhen:It's not much, but it's better than nothing.

Julie:So you've been here for years?

Zhen:Yep. Honestly, it's pretty much my home.

Julie:How'd you end up here anyway?

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