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Julie's phone went off. It was Dolly.

Julie:Hey, hows it going over there?

Dolly:Pretty good. Hunter managed to settle in decently enough. You're not gonna believe what happened a few days ago.


Dolly:Remember that snotty neighbor of ours Clarissa?

Julie:Somewhat, yeah.

Dolly:Well, Mom overheard how she infected us with fleas a while back. To say that she was angry would be a major understatement.

Julie:What did she do?

Dolly:My mom chased her down the several blocks before tackling her and reporting her offense to Officer Pearl. Clarissa has to do community service for four weeks. Which involves picking up trash at the park.


Dolly:I'll send you the video later.

Julie:You're pretty lucky to have her for a Mom.

Dolly:Yeah...way better than my birth Mom.

Julie:What happened to her? If you don't mind me asking.

Dolly:Well...she wasn't exactly parent of the year. She was a gambling addict. Since my Dad wasn't around all that much, she was often put in charge of us. Instead, she'd take any money she, or even what we kids had and gamble on it. I often had to look after the others.

Julie:So that's why you're so experienced with taking care of the others.

Dolly:Yep. We tried to get her to stop, but you know how those kind of people are.

Julie:Why didn't you ever tell your Dad of what she was doing?

Dolly:I...guess we were scared of what would happen. Like he may not believe us or our Mom would hurt us if we tried.

Julie:That makes sense. Take it from someone who also lived with a crappy parent. How'd your Dad find out?

Dolly:He went to the casino with some of his firemen buddies. To drink, play some games, you know, have a good time. However, that came to a close when he found my Mom gambling when she was supposed to be looking after us.

Julie:He must have been LIVID.

Dolly:You have no idea. When they got home, he was screaming his head off. I finally decided to tell him what she's been doing. And I swear to God, his face went beat red and I swear I saw steam come out of his ears. He rightfully divorced her. We at first were terrified that we'd be in our Mom's custody.

Julie:Right, the whole "Court usually favors the mother" thing.

Dolly:Thankfully, after my Dad presented the mountain of evidence, the court ruled in favor of my Dad and my Mom got kicked to the curb.

Julie:You must have been relieved.

Dolly:We were. However, my Dad was nervous on what we were gonna do. One day while working, he was being patched up by my Mom. They began dating, and after finding out she was in a similar boat...well...the rest is history as they say.

Julie:Were you scared?

Dolly:Admittedly. I kinda thought she and my new step-siblings wouldn't accept us. That she'd treat her own children good and treat me and my siblings like garbage. However, she actually treated the others and I as if we were her own. Eventually, we began call her Mom and the step siblings called our get the point.

Julie:So everything worked out, huh?

Dolly:Yeah...except one birth mom came back...

Julie:Oh boy...

Dolly:She was banging on the window, screaming her head off. When my Dad opened it, she was all disheveled. Unsurprisingly, she was in a mountain of debt, and she wanted to ask my Dad for help. Which he thankfully refused and rightfully kicked her to the curb. However, she wouldn't take no for an answer. But...when she saw Delilah, she became furious. She barged in and screamed at her to get out. When me and some of my siblings came down to see what was happening. She tried to get near us, but my parents weren't having it.

Julie:I take it she said how she deserves to see you because she's your mother?

Dolly:That and that my Dad "Betrayed Her". Eventually, we called the cops. I was a bit hard, but we knew it was for the best.

Julie:You friend once told me that a wise person said "Every child deserves a parent, but not every parent deserves a child". Guess we were both in that situation.

Dolly:Yeah. There are times I thank her for being there. If she wasn't, I...honestly don't know would have happened.

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